University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Cut with the Kitchen Knife Exhibit Video

Not able to travel to campus? Don’t miss out on our current exhibit Cut with the Kitchen Knife by artists Cecilia Ackerman and Devon Kelley-Yurdin with our new video tour of the exhibit space.

UNE Art Gallery Presents: Studiolab

Studiolab is an ongoing series of remote studio visits hosted by the UNE Art Gallery.  We highlight the studio practices of artists in our community, whose interdisciplinary work intersects with the sciences and other field. Andy Rosen Our first video features UNE faculty member Andy Rosen. Andy is an artist who has gained recognition through […]

Cut With the Kitchen Knife

Cut With the Kitchen Knife

October 16, 2020 - January 18, 2021

Biddeford Campus Art Gallery

Cecilia Ackerman and Devon Kelley-Yurdin Referring simultaneously to nature, science, society, and transcendence, the artworks of Cecilia Ackerman and Devon Kelley-Yurdin use precise, intricate material construction to explore themes of change, embodiment, and connection. The exhibition’s title refers to Hanna Höch’s groundbreaking Dadaist photomontage of the same name, made in 1920 in the midst of extreme […]

Virtual gallery tours

The coronavirus pandemic has necessitated the closing of theaters, cafes, clubs, bookstores, libraries, performance spaces, art galleries, and other gathering places across the U.S. and around the world, bringing much of our cultural life to a screeching halt. It has sparked endless debate over what activities are deemed essential to a functioning society.  To gallery […]