University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Away from the Archives

I am completely alone in the archives these days all day long. Nothing but the whisper roar of the ventilation fan to keep me company. Sometimes as I sort and slip photos into sleeves, I find myself pausing to look at the author in the photo, and thinking it would be nice to visit her for tea. Then I’m more than a little shocked when I realize she died almost forty years ago. Such is the way of time in the archives. It moves so slowly sometimes you don’t even know it’s moving.

Research Visits Suspended for Fall 2020

In compliance with the University’s return to campus plan for the fall semester, we continue to remain closed to researchers from outside of the UNE community. Our staff are back on campus part-time, and we are committed to helping you get the access you need to our collections. Please contact us with questions about our […]

On-site Research Suspended

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that lies ahead, we have made the difficult decision to close our reading room to visitors this summer. While we know that this is a great disappointment to many who plan their year around research trips to archives in the summer months, we are acting for […]

Our Quarantine Reading List

We’re all mostly inside these days, with the exception of that daily walk, run or bike ride that keeps you sane and at a safe distance from others. While we lament the many hardships that this pandemic is bringing to our communities, we also invite you to settle in for some quiet, stillness and contemplation. Art has […]