University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational 2013

Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational 2013

June 7, 2013 - October 31, 2013

Portland Campus Art Gallery

The 2013 Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational featured works by 10 artists that were placed around the UNE Art Gallery and Labyrinth area.  Artists included:  Nancy Nevergole, Jean Noon, Judy O’Donnell, Elizabeth Ostrander, Andy Rosen, Constance Rush, Patric Santerre, Antoinette Schultze, Cat Schwenk, Melita Westerlund and Carole Whelan. 

The annual display of sculpture has been continuing for more than a dozen years, and was the brainchild of longtime Portland curator Grant Jacks.