University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Alphabet City: Art, Culture, and Letterforms

Alphabet City: Art, Culture, and Letterforms

October 8, 2021 - January 7, 2022

Biddeford Campus Art Gallery

Kifah Abdulla, Mark Jamra, and Neil Patel October 8, 2021-January 7, 2022 Painter Kifah Abdulla’s work merges Modernist abstraction with Arabic calligraphy, bringing script into a place of intense visual expression. Originally from Baghdad, Iraq, Abdulla is a Maine-based painter, poet, and educator. The design collaborations of Mark Jamra and Neil Patel, of the Portland-based design […]

Open House

Open House

September 25, 2021

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Portland Campus Art Gallery

Please join us for an Open House on Saturday, September 25, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. at the UNE Art Gallery on the Portland Campus. (Rain date: Sunday, September 26) Beginning Thursday, September 9, Portland Campus gallery hours will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Current exhibition extended to October […]

Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection exhibit

The Permanent Photography Collection: Recent Acquisitions in the Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection at UNE

July 23, 2021

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Portland Campus Art Gallery

“The Permanent Photography Collection: Recent Acquisitions in the Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection at UNE” opens July 23 at the UNE Art Gallery, Portland Campus. This omnibus exhibit will feature approximately 70 recently collected photographic works selected by Stephen Halpert, Curator of Photography, and steward of the Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection at UNE. VISITORS WELCOME! Please […]

Cut With the Kitchen Knife

Cut With the Kitchen Knife

October 16, 2020 - January 18, 2021

Biddeford Campus Art Gallery

Cecilia Ackerman and Devon Kelley-Yurdin Referring simultaneously to nature, science, society, and transcendence, the artworks of Cecilia Ackerman and Devon Kelley-Yurdin use precise, intricate material construction to explore themes of change, embodiment, and connection. The exhibition’s title refers to Hanna Höch’s groundbreaking Dadaist photomontage of the same name, made in 1920 in the midst of extreme […]

Virtual gallery tours

The coronavirus pandemic has necessitated the closing of theaters, cafes, clubs, bookstores, libraries, performance spaces, art galleries, and other gathering places across the U.S. and around the world, bringing much of our cultural life to a screeching halt. It has sparked endless debate over what activities are deemed essential to a functioning society.  To gallery […]

The Dolphin Brain

The Dolphin Brain: The Peter J. Morgane Research Collection on the Cetacean Brain, 1962-2004

July 8, 2019 - September 26, 2019

Biddeford Campus Art Gallery

The Peter J. Morgane Research Collection on the Cetacean Brain, 1962–2004 Throughout history, the results of scientific research have been expressed through the lens of artistic interpretation. Such artists as Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius expressed complex visible and hidden anatomical and physical structures of humans, animals, and natural phenomena. This exhibition shows some of […]

Mackworth Island Transformed — Rocks Reimagined

Mackworth Island Transformed — Rocks Reimagined

January 14, 2019 - April 15, 2019

Biddeford Campus Art Gallery

The Art Gallery at the Ketchum Library on the Biddeford Campus of the University of New England is pleased to present Mackworth Island Transformed — Rocks Reimagined. The exhibition features the photography of Tim Greenway, a local professional and commercial photographer, who also serves as an adjunct professor at the University of New England where he teaches digital […]