Hours & Directions
We are located on the Portland campus of the University of New England in the Josephine S. Abplanalp Library, and maintain a smaller space at the Biddeford campus Ketchum Library.
Portland Campus
Maine Women Writers Collection is currently open by appointment only. It is best to call or email before visiting, to be sure we are in!
Directions to the UNE Portland Campus
The Maine Women Writers Collection is located on the library first floor: turn left at the library front desk and continue down the hallway past the 24-hour lounge.
Street Address
Josephine S. Abplanalp ’45 Library
716 Stevens Avenue
Portland, Maine
(207) 221-4334

Biddeford Campus
While our primary location is on the Portland campus, we also have a presence in the Ketchum Library on the Biddeford campus in the Special Collections office. Contact the curator to arrange a visit.
Directions to the UNE Biddeford Campus Library
The Special Collections office is located on the first floor of the library, across from the library front desk.
Street Address
Jack S. Ketchum Library
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005