University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Past Exhibits

Recent Acquisitions in the Stephen K. Halpert Collection of Photography at UNE
February 16-May 19, 2024
Seeking Light: Plants From Shoreline to Canopy in the Arts and Sciences
October 27, 2023-January 21, 2024
Rose Marasco: Camera Lucida
June 23-October 8, 2023
February 10-June 11, 2023
Michael Kolster: Home and Other Realms and Work from the Stephen K. Halpert Collection of Photography
October 21, 2022-January 22, 2023
The Lives of the Jewelers
July 1-October 9, 2022
Sensing Place
February 18-June 12, 2022
Home Fires
October 22, 2021-January 23, 2022
The Permanent Photography Collection: Recent Acquisitions in the Stephen K. Halpert Photography Collection at UNE
July 23-October 8, 2021
Speculative Histories & Material Culture
March 19-June 13, 2021
The House of the Soul
February 21, 2020-March 2021
The Complete City: Imagined
October 24, 2019–January 31, 2020
The Art of the Comic
July 10–October 6, 2019
Everyday Maine, Curated by Bruce Brown, with Steve Halpert
March 25–June 25, 2019
Partners in Art, Partners in Life: John David Ellis & Joan Beauregard
November 8, 2018–March 10, 2019
2018 Department of Arts Faculty Exhibition
August 1–October 21, 2018
2018 Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational, curated by Anne B. Zill and Carolyn Heasly
June 15–October 31, 2018
Inside the Cube: Looking Back Over 40 Years
April 20–July 15, 2018
Images of Children/Images of Youth: Period and Contemporary Photographs
January 11–April 1, 2018
Ahead of Her Time: The Life and Work of Nancy Hemenway Barton
September 28–December 20, 2017
Bandits & Heroes, Poets & Saints, Popular Art of the Northeast of Brazil
April 6–May 25, 2017
Land Sea Stone: Photographs by John Eide
Januray 18–April 2, 2017
Pastels Only, the 17th Annual International Juried Exhibition of the Pastel Painters of Maine
October 15, 2016–January 7, 2017
The Fifteenth Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational
June 10–October 31, 2016
Vision & Verse
July 6–October 2, 2016
Recent Acquisition to the UNE Photography Collection
Through October 2, 2016
The Art of Mildred G. Burrage
March 26–June 26, 2016
February 17–March 13, 2016
A Tale of Three Cities: Period and Contemporary Photographs of Paris, New York and Portland
July 28–Oct 25, 2015
Portraits of the Artist
November 5, 2015–February 7, 2016
The Paintings of John Calvin Stevens
April 21–July 19, 2015
A Gateless Garden
January 20–April 12, 2015
Color Fields Printed Painting
February 3–April 12, 2015
Coyote Connections
October 9, 2014–January 15, 2015
13th Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational
June 6–October 31, 2014
Making a New Whole: The Art of Collage
June 26–September 28, 2014
2014 Art Department Faculty Exhibition
February 5–23, 2014
Joe Guertin: A Graphic Designer Remembered
November 6, 2013–January 26, 2014
A Mountain Rises: The Art of Katahdin
July 31–October 27, 2013
Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational In honor of creator Grant Jacks
June 7–October 31, 2013
Maine Women Pioneers III – Dirigo
May 22–July 21, 2013
Women Pioneers III – Dirigoe Women Pioneers III – Worldview
March 12–May 12, 2013
Maine Women Pioneers III – Homage
January 2–March 3, 2013
Maine Women Pioneers III – Vanguard
October 12–December 16, 2012
Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational 2012
June 8–October 31, 2012
Upon Reflection: Judy Ellis Glickman
June 26–September 30, 2012
Lullaby for Maine Exhibition by Rebecca Goodale
March 15–June 16, 2012
Faces of War: A Photographic Essay Exhibition by Jerry Robinov
November 11, 2011–February 12, 2012
Children’s Book Illustrators
July 27–October 30, 2011
Critters: A Show of Paintings and Sculpture Curated by Nancy Davidson
April 12–July 20, 2011
The Feathered Hand: Installation, Drawings, Prints by Alison Derby Hildreth
January 5–April 3, 2011
The Architecture of Environmental Landscapes, Within & Without
September 20–December 19, 2010
The Ninth Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational
June 18–October 31, 2010
The Artful Art of Drawing
June 18–September 12, 2010
Celebrating Women
March 8–June 13, 2010
Out of the Studio: The UNE Faculty Exhibition of 2010
February 9–28, 2010
Going Forward, Looking Back: Practicing Historic Photographic Processes in the 21st Century
November 17, 2009–January 31, 2010
Selections from the Permanent Collection
September 9–November 8, 2009
Eighth Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational
June 5–October 31, 2009
Photography in Maine: New Work
April 7–June 7, 2009
The Freedom Place Collection
January 16–March 15, 2009
Alice Spencer Fabricating Time: Paintings and Collected Textiles
November 13, 2008–January 11, 2009
From Observation to Illustration
September 13–November 9, 2008
Holga: 53 Photographs
September 13–November 9, 2008
The Seventh Annual Sculpture Invitational
June 6–October 31, 2008
William Manning: From Here to Eternitime
July 10–September 7, 2008
The Art of the Message: Posters New and Old
May 6–July 6, 2008
UNE Faculty Art Exhibition
April 8–30, 2008
Wall Envy: A Passion for Collecting
February 5–March 30, 2008
Picturing Portland: A Century of Change
December 6, 2007–February 2, 2008
Photographs of Abelardo Morell
November 30, 2007–January 27, 2008
Picturing Portland: A Century of Change
September 25–November 25, 2007
A Season under the Sun: Photographs from the Maxwell’s Farm
October 4–November 25, 2007
Faces of the Mind
September 25–November 25, 2007
On Island: Women Artists of Monhegan
July 26–September 23, 2007
Cuba Hearts and Minds Past and Present
May 21–July 22, 2007
Annual Faculty Art Exhibition
April 27–May 13, 2007
Marriage of True Minds: The Work of Couples
February 14–April 22, 2007
Americans Who Tell the Truth: by Robert Shetterly
November 29, 2006–February 4, 2007
John Muench: A Retrospective
September 19–November 19, 2006
5th Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational
June 16–October 31, 2006
In Black and White and Color: Photographs by Denise Froehlich and Murad Sayen
May 4–July 2, 2006
Studio Connections: Artists Supporting MPBN
April 2–30, 2006
Student/Faculty Exhibition
March 9–26, 2006
The Holga Show
January 26–March 5, 2006
Maine Women: Living on the Land: Photographs by Lauren Shaw
December 5, 2005–January 22, 2006
Extreme Nature: Images from the World’s Edge
October 5–November 27, 2005
A Celebration of the Artists of Southern Maine
July 29–September 26, 2005