University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Medicine Resources

Databases for Medicine

AccessMedicineMedical resources including Harrison's Online, Hurst's the Heart, Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacology and the Lange Educational Library. Mobile app instructions.

UpToDateEvidence-based, synthesized medical information for point-of-care decision-making. UpToDate training videos. Mobile app instructions. Requires a free, personal account in addition to the initial UNE login. Log in through this link every 90 days to retain your UNE access.

PubMed (MEDLINE)PubMed search of MEDLINE, the US National Library of Medicine database of biomedical literature. Tutorials. Mobile app instructions. 

More Databases

AccessAnesthesiologyAnesthesiology textbooks, procedures videos, practice guidelines, interactive Board Review, and a drug database to help prepare for cases and board certification. 10 minute tour video.

AccessNeurologyTextbooks, case files, multimedia, drugs, review questions and more. Covers the entire spectrum of neurology.

AccessPharmacyTextbooks, including DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy, drug-therapy cases and care plans, NAPLEX test prep questions, and more.

Bates' Visual Guide to Physical ExaminationClinical skills videos on head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques. OSCE skills videos are not included in our subscription.

Case Files CollectionRealistic patient cases to help apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts. From AccessMedicine.


ClinicalKeyCurrent clinical information for fast, concise answers at point-of-care. Mobile app instructions.

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled TrialsReports of controlled trials from MEDLINE, Embase and other databases, trial registers, and hand searches of journals.

Cochrane Clinical AnswersA physician-focused resource for clinical questions.

Cochrane Collection PlusSearches across the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.

Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsLeading database and journal of systematic reviews and protocols in health care.

Coronavirus Research Database‎Health and medical research database related to COVID-19.

DynaMedEvidence-based decision tool for point-of-care use. Mobile app instructions.


EmbaseUp-to-date biomedical and pharmacological information on medical and drug-related subjects. Video tutorials.

Embodied LabsImmersive virtual reality labs giving users first-person experience of aging individuals with unique diagnoses and perspectives. Login requires UNE email account.

Exam MasterCreate an individual account using your UNE email address to access practice exams for the USMLE, PANCE, NAPLEX, NBDE, NCLEX, board certification exams, and review medical subjects.

Health & Medical CollectionHealthcare journals and clinical research titles, instructional videos, dissertations and working papers.

Healthcare Administration DatabaseInformation on public health and safety, hospitals, finance, personnel management, insurance, population studies, labor relations and law.

Historic Journals & Osteopathic BooksOsteopathic journals and books curated by the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine at A.T. Still University,

LexidrugLexicomp is now UpToDate Lexidrug. Point-of-care drug information used in many hospitals; integrates with UpToDate. Training videos.

LWW Health Library Medical EducationMedicine and health sciences textbooks and multimedia resources from publisher Lippincott. Includes the Osteopathic Medicine Collection.

MicromedexEvidence-based clinical reference for management of medications, diseases, and toxicology, plus lab test and patient education information. Mobile app instructions.

NatMed ProEvidence-based resource on natural medicines, dietary supplements, and complementary and integrative therapies. Formerly Natural Medicines.

OSTMED.DROsteopathic medical digital repository with current literature and historical documents.

PsychiatryOnlinePsychiatric resources from American Psychiatric Publishing including the DSM-5® and The American Journal of Psychiatry.

Public Health DatabaseCore literature public health, including biostatistics, environmental health sciences, epidemiology, and behavioral sciences.

PubMed Central (PMC)Free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). PMC FAQs.  MEDLINE, PubMed, and PubMed Central (PMC) - how are they different? 


ScopusCitations and abstracts from scholarly research journals across the sciences. Advanced tools for citation analysis and journal ranking. Video tutorials. 

SPORTDiscusArticles from sports and sports medicine journals, including exercise physiology, coaching, and training and conditioning.

StatistaGlobal data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights.

Stedman's OnlineThe most complete resource of medical terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols.

Trip Medical DatabaseClinical search engine of high-quality research evidence.

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Check out our new subscription to Statista! This robust statistics portal integrates global data and business intelligence on over 80,000 topics on a wide variety of industries, including health, media, business, politics, society, technology, and education. Statista collects data from a range of sources, including market reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government agencies, providing access to statistics, forecasts, industry reports, and more!

StatistaGlobal data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights.

Anatomy Resources

Visible Body Detailed, Interactive 3D atlas of the human body. Requires a free account. Be patient - can take up to 30 seconds to load the first time you access. Tutorial. Mobile app instructions.

LWW Health LibraryAccess the Donor course textbooks and atlases for gross anatomy, histology, and embryology. Click on Premium Basic Sciences and then Texts.

Human Anatomy Modules (AccessMedicine)Human anatomy modules in an interactive, 3D format.

ClinicalKeyProvides access to a variety of anatomy resources, including textbooks and multimedia resources. Select the material type you are interested in (underneath the search box), then select Anatomy under the Specialties Filters (left side of screen).

Point of Care Tools

UpToDateEvidence-based, synthesized medical information for point-of-care decision-making. UpToDate training videos. Mobile app instructions. CME function requires registration for a free, personal account.

DynaMedEvidence-based decision tool for point-of-care use. Mobile app instructions.

Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical ExaminationVideo series that illustrates head-to-toe and systems-based physical exam techniques.

Diagnosaurus (AccessMedicine)A differential diagnosis tool which allows you to search by symptom, disease, and organ system.

DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination11th ed. (2020)

Board Exam Materials

UNECOM Board Prep ResourcesUNE Resources to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 and 2 and COMLEX exams

Exam MasterExam Master will be unavailble due to a system upgrade on January 26 & 27. Create an individual account using your UNE email address to access practice exams for the USMLE.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice (UNE)Assistance with understanding the EBP process, including PICO questions and levels of evidence.

Cochrane Collection PlusSearches across the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.

ECRI Guidelines TrustWeb-based repository of evidence-based clinical practice guideline content.

Trip Medical DatabaseClinical search engine for finding high-quality research evidence.

Drug Information

LexidrugPoint-of-care drug information used in many hospitals; integrates with UpToDate. Training videos.

NatMed ProEvidence-based resource on natural medicines, dietary supplements, and complementary and integrative therapies.

Research by Subject Guide for PharmacyPharmacy resources from UNE Library Services.

Research & Publishing

UNE COM Research & ScholarshipResources from the UNE COM Office of the Associate Dean of Research and Scholarship (Sharepoint).

Copyright & Fair UseGuidelines for using copyrighted works while doing scholarly research.

CARE: Case Report Guidelines Guidelines designed to increase the accuracy, transparency, and usefulness of case reports, including the CARE checklist.

Create a Research PosterGuidelines and tips for creating a research poster.

DUNE: DigitalUNEUNE's online repository of scholarly and creative works of the UNE community.