University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

English Resources

Databases for English

JSTORBack issues of core scholarly journals as well as books and primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, & sciences.

MLA International BibliographyLiterature, language, linguistics, and folklore records from the Modern Language Association.

Project MuseHumanities and social sciences books and articles from university presses and scholarly societies.

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Opposing Viewpoints: Gale In ContextMultiple perspectives on current events and social issues from topic overviews, articles, primary source documents, court cases and more. State of Maine funded.

North American Women's Letters and DiariesArchive of Canadian and American women's published and unpublished diaries and correspondence from Colonial times through 1950.

Literature Resource Center: GaleLiterature research resources on authors and criticism. State of Maine funded.

Humanities SourceScholarly journal articles covering literary, scholarly and creative thought.

Literary Reference PlusInformation from reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing.

Poetry and Short Story Reference Sourcee-book titles covering a broad range of poetry-related subjects.

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