University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet


UNE Library Services Privacy Notice

Your privacy matters to us! This page explains how we handle any information that might be collected by the university, Library Services, or third-party vendors when you use library services.

We uphold the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, section IIV as well as their Statement on Privacy. We collect personal information for the sole purpose of providing library services. We collect personal information for the sole purpose of providing library services. Personal information that we collect or that you share with us will be protected in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Library Records

Your library records are confidential; we will not share, sell, license or disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are compelled to do so by law or to comply with a court order.

We receive your personal information, including your name, UNE Personal Reference Number (PRN), UNE email, phone number and home address, from the University registrar’s office in order to create an account so that you may borrow library materials. You can see this information by logging in to your library account and clicking on Personal Details. Your information is accessible to authorized library employees who have signed the University of New England Employee Confidentiality Agreement [PDF].

When you borrow from the library, your information is connected with the item you have checked out for the duration of the loan. On the day you return your item, this information is purged overnight so that no record of your borrowing history is retained in our systems.

After you graduate from UNE, your library account will expire. We delete expired student accounts after 2 years unless you re-enroll in a UNE program, become a UNE employee, or request alumni access. The system may retain acount information for up to six months after faculty, staff, clinical affiliates, and other account holders leave UNE.

Interlibrary Loan

A record of the items you have borrowed through UNE Interlibrary loan is retained our systems for one month in order to facilitate repeat requests.

Online Resources

We provide licensed access to resources owned and operated by third parties, including search services, research databases and other online resources, electronic journals, e-books, and UNE’s institutional repository. We license these resources for the use of current UNE students, faculty, and staff. These websites and resources have their own privacy policies and are not governed by UNE Library Services. We recommend that you review the privacy policies of the websites that you connect to through the library website, particularly if you are creating your own account in order to access specialized services like saved searches, bookmarking, notes, personalization features or alerts. When connecting to licensed resources outside the library, we authenticate you as current member of our community using your UNE login and password, and do not pass any personally identifiable information on to vendors.

Web Use Statistics

We use behavior analytics software to assess website usage and make improvements to our services. All information collected by these programs has been aggregated and cannot identify you personally, but details about your use, including IP address, browser, time settings, operating system, and platform may be recorded.

If you would prefer that your use of our website not be included, you can activate do not track settings in your browser:



Our website uses cookies to collect information about how, when, and for how long you visit our website. Cookies are small text files stored in your browser, and they do not identify you personally. Our website may use cookies to keep you logged into secure areas of the website and to keep track of your preferences as you interact with certain services. For help managing, deleting or opting out of cookies, consult your browser’s help files:

Chat & Ask a Librarian

When you initiate a help request using our chat service or Ask a Librarian, we ask that you provide your email address and name so that we may follow up with you if needed. In addition, our system captures details of your use including your browser, IP address, operating system, and the webpage from which you initiated your contact. Records of chat conversations are kept for one year and used to improve our services and training.

Library Computers & Printers

When you enter your UNE login and password to use a computer in the library, a record of your use is stored with UNE’s ITS department. Downloaded files, as well as browser history and cookies, are deleted once the computer is rebooted. The Eco-Print system stores your UNE ID and the name of your print job for 24 hours, after which time this information is deleted.

Camera Surveillance

Both UNE library locations have camera surveillance systems installed for the security of our collections and artwork. The video these systems record can be viewed by UNE security staff, and on the Portland campus, by authorized library employees. Video recordings are stored for a maximum of 30 days and then deleted.

Questions & Help

If you have questions on this, or another topic, contact a librarian for help!