University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Biology Resources

Databases for Biology

ScopusCitations and abstracts from scholarly research journals across the sciences. Advanced tools for citation analysis and journal ranking. Video tutorials. 

Biological Sciences CollectionBiomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology sources.

PubMed (MEDLINE)PubMed search of MEDLINE, the US National Library of Medicine database of biomedical literature. Tutorials. Mobile app instructions. 

More Databases

Academic Search CompleteScholarly database with articles and citations from peer-reviewed journals across many disciplines. Advanced search video tutorial.

Birds of the WorldSpecies accounts written by ornithologists and other experts on bird species of the world. Includes sounds, images, video, distributional maps, and model output generated by eBird.

Web of ScienceZoological literature from professional journals, magazines, newsletters, books and more.

Journal Citation ReportsCritically evaluate the world's leading journals with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data.

BioOne CompleteBiological, ecological and environmental sciences journals from scholarly societies and non-commercial publishers.

Visible Body SuiteDetailed, Interactive 3D atlas of the human body. Requires a free account. Be patient - can take up to 30 seconds to load the first time you access. Users must login at least every 150 days from the above link to retain access. Tutorial. Mobile app instructions.

NAL SEARCHNational Agricultural Library database of agriculture, forestry, and animal science research, formerly AGRICOLA.

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