University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Environment & Sustainability Resources

Databases for Environment & Sustainability

Agricultural & Environmental Science CollectionEnvironmental sciences journals, conferences, reports, and other sources.

Environment CompleteInformation on agriculture, ecology, energy, natural resources, and other environmental topics. State of Maine funded.

Credo ReferenceAuthoritative, citable background information from subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, handbooks, videos and images.

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Opposing Viewpoints: Gale In ContextMultiple perspectives on current events and social issues from topic overviews, articles, primary source documents, court cases and more. State of Maine funded.


ScopusCitations and abstracts from scholarly research journals across the sciences. Advanced tools for citation analysis and journal ranking. Video tutorials. 

Web of ScienceZoological literature from professional journals, magazines, newsletters, books and more.

Global Issues: Gale In ContextGlobal perspectives on international relations and current world events.

Birds of the WorldSpecies accounts written by ornithologists and other experts on bird species of the world. Includes sounds, images, video, distributional maps, and model output generated by eBird.

GreenFILEInformation on environmental concerns such as climate change, energy conservation, natural resources, and pollution.

NAL SEARCHNational Agricultural Library database of agriculture, forestry, and animal science research, formerly AGRICOLA.

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