Databases for Social Work
Social Work AbstractsJournals covering all areas of social work, from the National Association of Social Workers, Inc. Video tutorial.
PubMed (MEDLINE)PubMed search of MEDLINE, the US National Library of Medicine database of biomedical literature. Tutorials. Mobile app instructions.
SocINDEXResearch journals and other publications in sociology and related disciplines.
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PsycArticlesPeer-reviewed scholarly articles in psychology published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and affiliated journals.
PsycInfoPeer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health from journals, books, dissertations, and reports. From the American Psychological Association (APA).
PsycTestsPsychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to research in the behavioral and social sciences. From the American Psychological Association.
CINAHL CompleteThe comprehensive source for nursing and allied health journals, including physical and occupational therapy, physician assistant, public health, and more.