University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Library Resources


Not sure which database to use? Find research by subject. Some databases offer mobile apps: learn more about mobile access.

ABI/INFORM Collection

Business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, marketing, advertising, ethics and more.

ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

Corporate and industry news from trade journals, reports, magazines, conference proceedings and more.  In-depth coverage of companies, products, executives, and trends to study and compare major industries.

Academic OneFile

Search leading journals in the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects. State of Maine funded.

Academic Search Ultimate

Scholarly database with articles and citations from peer-reviewed journals across many disciplines. Advanced search video tutorial.

Academic Video Online

Multidisciplinary streaming video titles including documentary, feature films, video demonstrations and more.


Anesthesiology textbooks, procedures videos, practice guidelines, interactive Board Review, and a drug database to help prepare for cases and board certification. 10 minute tour video.


Medical resources including Harrison’s Online, Hurst’s the Heart, Goodman & Gilman’s Pharmacology and the Lange Educational Library. Mobile app instructions.


Textbooks, case files, multimedia, drugs, review questions and more. Covers the entire spectrum of neurology.


Textbooks, including DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy, drug-therapy cases and care plans, NAPLEX test prep questions, and more.


Textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, images, self assessment tools, and a unique cadaver dissection tool to support the practice, study and instruction of physical therapy.


Online version of the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.

Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection

Environmental sciences journals, conferences, reports, and other sources.

Alt HealthWatch

Perspectives on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.


Provides an alternative to mainstream media perspectives with articles from newspapers, magazines and journals from alternative and independent presses.

AMED – The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database

Alternative medicine database covering mainly European journals.

America: History and Life

Articles on the history and culture of the United States and Canada.

Applied Science & Technology Source

Offers extensive coverage of research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines.

ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts

International literature of aquatic and marine sciences. State of Maine funded.

Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination

Clinical skills videos on head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques. OSCE skills videos are not included in our subscription.

Biography Reference Source

Biographies of a wide range of subjects. Search by occupation, activity, nationality, gender, birthplace and more.

Biography: Gale In Context

Biographical information on the world’s most influential people throughout history.

Biological Sciences Collection

Biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology sources.

BioOne Complete

Biological, ecological and environmental sciences journals from scholarly societies and non-commercial publishers.

Birds of the World

Species accounts written by ornithologists and other experts on bird species of the world. Includes sounds, images, video, distributional maps, and model output generated by eBird.

Business Book Summaries

Summaries of business books on topics across managment, communications, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing,  technology and more.

Business Market Research Collection

Corporate data, industry analyses, summary financials, and editorial content on public and non-public companies and their key executives. Includes Hoover’s Company Profiles.

Business Source Ultimate

Provides researchers with essential business journals such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and MIS Quarterly, plus business videos from top providers.

Cabell’s Predatory Reports

The only list of deceptive and predatory academic journals. Specialists analyze over 60 behavioral indicators to keep researchers and scholars protected from exploitative publishers.

Case Files Collection

Realistic patient cases to help apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts. From AccessMedicine.

CINAHL Complete

The comprehensive source for nursing and allied health journals, including physical and occupational therapy, physician assistant, public health, and more.


Clinical Pharmacology

Drug information for clinicians in hospitals, pharmacies, and other settings; from ClinicalKey. Mobile app instructions.



Current clinical information for fast, concise answers at point-of-care. Mobile app instructions.


Popular ebooks and audiobooks for a variety of devices. Use your UNE PRN number as your library card to log in. State of Maine funded.

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

Reports of controlled trials from MEDLINE, Embase and other databases, trial registers, and hand searches of journals.

Cochrane Clinical Answers

A physician-focused resource for clinical questions.

Cochrane Collection Plus

Searches across the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Leading database and journal of systematic reviews and protocols in health care.

Communications and Mass Media: Gale OneFile

Information on advertising, public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, journalism and more. State of Maine funded.

Computer Science: Gale OneFile

Product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.

Information for consumers on health and nutrition products including vitamins, herbal products, functional foods, and more.

Contemporary Women’s Issues

Newsletters, NGO research reports, and ephemeral literature from research institutes and grass roots organizations on critical issues and events that influence women’s lives.

Coronavirus Research Database‎

Health and medical research database related to COVID-19.

Counseling and Therapy in Video

Videos on counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric practice.

Credo Reference

Authoritative, citable background information from subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, handbooks, videos and images.

Culinary Arts: Gale OneFile

Major cooking and nutrition books and magazines.

CultureGrams World Edition

Concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.

Dental Education in Video

Videos of dentistry and dental techniques from clinicians and educators together with interviews and lectures.

Dentistry & Oral Science Source

Dental and oral sciences journals covering dental public health, endodontics, odontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology and more.

Digital Maine Library

Free online access for Maine residents to scholarly databases, newspapers, magazines, journals, and reference books.

Dissertations & Theses Global

Published dissertations and theses from around the world. Many are available in PDF format, and most include free twenty-four page previews.

Diversity Studies: Gale OneFile

Explores cultural differences and the contributions and influences of diverse populations in the global community. State of Maine funded.

DUNE: DigitalUNE

UNE’s open access institutional repository. Archives and provides access to the scholarly and creative works and unique resources produced at UNE, including student and faculty theses, articles, journals, posters, and presentations.


Evidence-based decision tool for point-of-care use. Mobile app instructions.


Combines the content of DynaMed with the advanced search capabilities of Micromedex.


Information on accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations and more. State of Maine funded.

Education Database

Journals, dissertations and supporting research on the theory and practice of education.

Educator’s Reference Complete

Information for all levels of education and educational specialty, including technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing, as well as issues in administration, funding, and policy.  State of Maine funded.



Up-to-date biomedical and pharmacological information on medical and drug-related subjects. Video tutorials.

Embodied Labs

Immersive virtual reality labs giving users first-person experience of aging individuals with unique diagnoses and perspectives. Login requires UNE email account.

Entrepreneurial Studies Source

The latest insight into topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business.

Entrepreneurship: Gale Business

Articles and other resources on economic development, business planning, finance, marketing, market research, and management. State of Maine funded.

Environment Complete

Information on agriculture, ecology, energy, natural resources, and other environmental topics. State of Maine funded.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

Ebsco access to education research and information from the U.S. Department of Education.

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750

Printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.

Evidence Analysis Library (EAL)

A synthesis of nutritional research on important dietetic practice questions.

Exam Master

Create an individual account using your UNE email address to access practice exams for the USMLE, PANCE, NAPLEX, NBDE, NCLEX, board certification exams, and review medical subjects.

Fine Arts: Gale OneFile

Information on drama, music, art history, and filmmaking, including the Wilson Art Index. State of Maine funded.

FSTA – Food Science & Technology Abstracts

Resources on food sciences, pet foods, food psychology, food economics, food safety and more. State of Maine funded.

Gale Books and Authors

Find books to match your interests. Covers all genres and reading levels. State of Maine funded.

Global Issues: Gale In Context

Global perspectives on international relations and current world events.

Global Newsstream

US and international newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in multiple languages from 1980 to present.

Google Scholar

Google search of scholarly literature. Can be set up to recognize your UNE access. 


Information on environmental concerns such as climate change, energy conservation, natural resources, and pollution.

Health & Medical Collection

Healthcare journals and clinical research titles, instructional videos, dissertations and working papers.

Health and Medicine: Gale OneFile

Nursing and allied health journals, reference content, pamphlets and videos. State of Maine funded.

Healthcare Administration Database

Information on public health and safety, hospitals, finance, personnel management, insurance, population studies, labor relations and law.


U.S. government publications and reports back to 1754 as well as treaties, constitutions, case law, classic treatises, international trade, and foreign relations.

Historic Journals & Osteopathic Books

Osteopathic journals and books curated by the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine at A.T. Still University,

Historical Newspapers: ProQuest

Archive of The New York Times: 1851-2007,  The Washington Post: 1877-1994, Guardian and Observer: 1791-2003, Hartford Courant: 1764-1985, and New York Amsterdam News: 1922-1993.

Humanities Source

Scholarly journal articles covering literary, scholarly and creative thought.

ICE Learning Center

Videos of real patients and therapists in clinical settings for students and faculty of physical and occupational therapy. Starting guide video. Enter your email address when prompted after login.

Journal Citation Reports

Critically evaluate the world’s leading journals with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data.


Back issues of core scholarly journals as well as books and primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, & sciences.


Films, documentaries, and training videos from PBS, Criterion Collection, California Newsreel, HBO, BBC and more.

LactMed: Drugs and Lactation Database

Information on drugs and chemicals affecting nursing mothers and infants.

Leadership and Management: Gale OneFile

Professional and career development resources on organizational dynamics, leadership, and continuing education. State of Maine funded.

LearningExpress Library

Prepare for college and graduate school admissions and certification and licensing exams with practice tests, tutorials, books, and more. State of Maine funded.

Legal Information Source

Top consumer legal reference books, publications and legal forms.


Law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, bar association and international law journals.


Lexicomp is now UpToDate Lexidrug. Point-of-care drug information used in many hospitals; integrates with UpToDate. Training videos.

Lexidrug for Dentistry

Lexicomp for Dentistry is now UpToDate Lexidrug for Dentistry. Current and accurate point-of-care information across clinical knowledge areas in dentistry.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstract (LISTA)

Library and information science journals, books, research reports and more.

Literary Reference Plus

Information from reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing.

Literature Resource Center: Gale

Literature research resources on authors and criticism. State of Maine funded.

LWW Health Library Medical Education

Medicine and health sciences textbooks and multimedia resources from publisher Lippincott. Includes the Osteopathic Medicine Collection.

Maine News

Maine newspapers including the Bangor Daily News and Portland Press Herald, plus selected coverage of other regional sources. State of Maine funded.

Maine News Index

Abstracts and citations from Portland and Maine newspapers and magazines including Down East, MaineBiz, Portland Monthly, and the Portland Phoenix. Compiled by Portland Public Library Portland Room staff.

Mango Languages

Online language learning software for  Spanish and French.


Authoritative medical information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Merriam-Webster’s Medical Desk Dictionary

Today’s most widely used health-care terms, abbreviations, medication names, and biographies of medical pioneers

Merriam-Webster’s Online

Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Law Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus, Language Translation tools and more. State of Maine funded.


Evidence-based clinical reference for management of medications, diseases, and toxicology, plus lab test and patient education information. Mobile app instructions.

MLA Directory of Periodicals

Detailed information on journals including editorial contact information, frequency, circulation, subscription prices and submission guidelines.

MLA International Bibliography

Literature, language, linguistics, and folklore records from the Modern Language Association.


National Agricultural Library database of agriculture, forestry, and animal science research, formerly AGRICOLA.

NatMed Pro

Evidence-based resource on natural medicines, dietary supplements, and complementary and integrative therapies. Formerly Natural Medicines.

News: Gale OneFile

International and U.S. newspapers as well as images, and radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. State of Maine funded.

Newspaper Source Plus

Access to articles from U.S. and international newspapers, plus television and radio news transcripts.

Nexis Uni

News, business, and legal sources from LexisNexis® including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Nexis Uni tutorials. 

North American Women’s Letters and Diaries

Archive of Canadian and American women’s published and unpublished diaries and correspondence from Colonial times through 1950.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Popular reading database of fiction and non-fiction book recommendations for K – 8 readers, as well as reading lists and curriculum-driven material for educators. State of Maine funded.

NoveList Plus

Popular reading database of fiction and non-fiction book recommendations for high school through adult readers. State of Maine funded.

Nursing & Allied Health Database

Scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials and evidence-based resources for students in nursing and allied health professions.

Nutrition Care Manual

Evidence-based nutrition educational materials, clinical nutrition resources and customizable diet manual.

Oceanic Abstracts

Technical literature on marine biology and physical oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture, meteorology and geology, plus environmental and legislative topics. State of Maine funded.


Key dissertations and theses from American universities 1902 to present. Links to full-text when available through institutional repositories.

Opposing Viewpoints: Gale In Context

Multiple perspectives on current events and social issues from topic overviews, articles, primary source documents, court cases and more. State of Maine funded.


Osteopathic medical digital repository with current literature and historical documents.


Abstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.

PDR (Prescribers’ Digital Reference)

FDA approved drug information including interactions, side effects, recommended dosages, contraindications, and more. Free site, but you must register to use it.

PEDRO (Physiotherapy Evidence Database)

Search randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy


Textbooks, interactive NAPLEX review, case studies, abstracts and news sources from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).

Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine: Gale OneFile

Treatment techniques and research from academic journals and magazines in physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine. State of Maine funded.

Poetry and Short Story Reference Source

e-book titles covering a broad range of poetry-related subjects.

Points of View Reference Source

Essays that present multiple sides of a current issue with questions and materials for further thought and study.

Project Muse

Humanities and social sciences books and articles from university presses and scholarly societies.

ProQuest Central

Multidisciplinary database of scholarly and trade articles, news sources, magazines and more covering all major academic subject areas.


Peer-reviewed scholarly articles in psychology published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and affiliated journals.


Psychiatric resources from American Psychiatric Publishing including the DSM-5® and The American Journal of Psychiatry. Video Library

Training videos featuring leading practitioners in psychotherapy.


Peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health from journals, books, dissertations, and reports. From the American Psychological Association (APA).


Psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to research in the behavioral and social sciences. From the American Psychological Association.


National Library of Medicine database of chemical information.

Public Health Database

Core literature public health, including biostatistics, environmental health sciences, epidemiology, and behavioral sciences.


PubMed search of MEDLINE, the US National Library of Medicine database of biomedical literature. Tutorials. Mobile app instructions. 

PubMed Central (PMC)

Free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). PMC FAQs.  MEDLINE, PubMed, and PubMed Central (PMC) – how are they different? 

Regional Business News

Local business news by state and Canadian province.

Religion and Philosophy: Gale OneFile

Magazines and academic journals covering religion and the related areas of philosophy and anthropology. State of Maine funded.

Science: Gale In Context

Topic overviews, biographies, articles and detailed experiments covering all major science topics. State of Maine funded.



Scientific, technical, and medical research from scholarly journal publisher Elsevier.


References, substances, and reactions in chemistry and related sciences. First time users, please create a free account here. SciFinder Training.



Research performance data and visualization tools from academic institutions worldwide.



Citations and abstracts from scholarly research journals across the sciences. Advanced tools for citation analysis and journal ranking. Video tutorials. 

Small Business Source

Resources for small business owners and those interested in starting a business, including articles and reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, videos and reference books.

Social Work Abstracts

Journals covering all areas of social work, from the National Association of Social Workers, Inc. Video tutorial.


Research journals and other publications in sociology and related disciplines.


Articles from sports and sports medicine journals, including exercise physiology, coaching, and training and conditioning.


Global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights.

Stedman’s Online

The most complete resource of medical terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols.

Symptom Media

Videos which portray mental health issues and diagnoses in educational and treatment settings, with assessment tools guided by the DSM 5 and ICD 10 .


Citations and abstracts from toxicology journals, papers, books, reports and more.

Trip Medical Database

Clinical search engine of high-quality research evidence.

U.S. History: Gale In Context

Primary and secondary U.S. history sources from publishers Macmillan, Scribner and others. State of Maine funded.

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory

Detailed information on journals and magazines published throughout the world.


Evidence-based, synthesized medical information for point-of-care decision-making. UpToDate training videos. Mobile app instructions. Requires a free, personal account in addition to the initial UNE login. Log in through this link every 90 days to retain your UNE access.

Visible Body Suite

Detailed, Interactive 3D atlas of the human body. Requires a free account. Be patient – can take up to 30 seconds to load the first time you access. Users must login at least every 150 days from the above link to retain access. Tutorial. Mobile app instructions.

Web of Science

Zoological literature from professional journals, magazines, newsletters, books and more.


Search the collections of the world’s libraries. Limit by location to find holdings near you.