Explore Diverse Viewpoints
There is no such thing as a truly unbiased source. When researching a topic or making up your mind on an issue, expose yourself to a variety of perspectives to get a balanced view.

Every internet search or social media click builds a profile of your information habits. This profile leads search engines and social media platforms to show you results similar to what you searched and clicked on. This can lead to a filtering of the information you see when you search or use social media, often called an information silo.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out information which supports our pre-existing ideas, and to ignore or reject ideas and information which challenge those views.
When combined, information silos and confirmation bias can lead to unbalanced perspectives, discourage constructive debate, and can lead to extreme ideologies. Most importantly, if you are only getting your information from one side of an issue, you are missing half of the picture.
Many media sources have a particular perspective and aim to sway their audience towards their point of view. Carefully evaluating your media sources can teach you to recognize bias and decide if a source is appropriate to use or to share with others. Media bias is not the same as misinformation or fake news, which is false or misleading information made to look legitimate. Use the Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart to check which way your preferred news sources lean and consider choosing a source from the opposite side to provide a more balanced understanding of an issue.
We provide access to resources and materials which represent a variety of perspectives on all topics, including controversial matters. You will find a range of viewpoints in our library collections. See our collection development policy.
We also have recommended resouces for exploring viewpoint diversity as a topic, as well as sources for diverse perspectives.
Questions & Help
If you have questions on this, or another topic, contact a librarian for help!