University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Services & Help

Information Literacy Instruction

Library information literacy instruction supports all UNE students and helps them develop the critical information literacy skills needed to select and evaluate sources for academic research. It strengthens general education outcomes and boosts student learning. See our information literacy standards and outcomes..

Classroom Instruction

students in classroom with man raising hand

Your subject librarian will work with you to design instruction that meets the needs of your specific course or assignment, or provides a generalized introduction to library research and our physical and digital spaces and resources.

We can meet your students:

  • One-on-one
  • In small groups
  • In our Biddeford Campus library instruction lab
  • In your classroom
  • Remotely over Zoom or another platform

Instruction can be one-time or structured to support your course throughout the semester. Going away? We can substitute for your class.

Instruction Offerings

Research and Teaching Librarians can include any of the following elements in an instruction session, or can customize a session to meet the needs of your class. 

Online Instruction

Online Research and Teaching Librarian Cadence Atchinson can provide synchronous or asynchronous instruction to support online programs, create custom digital learning objects, and assist in the selection of electronic course materials, including quality open educational resources.

Special Collections

Education and Outreach Archivist Cathleen Miller can introduce your students to research using Primary Sources from UNE’s special collections, archives and from other sources.

Guides & Tutorials

The library can help students build research skills like evaluating information sources and use of specific tools and research databases. Links to our Research by Subject pages can be embedded in Brightspace. We can also create video tutorials, class-specific playlists, course guides, or other resources tailored to meet the needs of your students.

Questions & Help

If you have questions on this, or another topic, contact a librarian for help!