University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Services & Help

Study Rooms

Group and private study rooms are available for first come, first served use and cannot be reserved in advance. Meeting spaces on campus can be booked through the registrar’s office.

Using Study Rooms

Study rooms are for individual or group study. Keys are held at the at the front desk and require a valid UNE ID card to borrow. You can use study rooms for up to 2 hours at a time and renew so long as no one else is waiting for a room.


  • Study rooms are not soundproof and some are in silent study areas or above or below other library spaces – please be considerate of others.
  • We do our best to place groups in a room appropriate for their size and keep the larger rooms available for larger groups.
  • If no rooms are available, you have the option of leaving us your cell number; we’ll send you a text message when the next room becomes available. You will have 10 minutes to pick up the key or the room will go to the next person on the wait list.
  • We can hold the study room key for you at the front desk if you need to leave the library for a short time while still using a room. Do not take study room keys out of the building. If keys are lost, you will be charged a replacement fee of $25.00.
  • We will call campus security to remove and hold any unattended personal items left in study rooms after the due time.

Biddeford Campus

There are 8 study rooms in the Biddeford Campus Ketchum Library.

Check room availability

All study rooms have white boards. Dry erase markers are available at the front desk.

Study Room Capacity Location Technology ADA Accessible Window
1 up to 6 Upper Level Large monitor with HDMI cables Yes
2 up to 6 Upper Level Large monitor with HDMI cables No
3 up to 10 Upper Level Yes
4 up to 4 Lower Level Yes No
5 up to 2 Lower Level Yes No
6 up to 2 Lower Level Yes Yes
7 up to 2 Lower Level Yes No
8 up to 2 Lower Level Yes Yes

Portland Campus

There are 7 study rooms in the Portland Campus Abplanalp Library.

Check room availability

Some study rooms are equipped with a PC desktop computer (valid UNE login required) and white boards; dry erase markers are available at the front desk.

Study Room Capacity Location Technology ADA Accessible Window
1 up to 3 Upper Level PC desktop computer Yes
2 up to 3 Upper Level PC desktop computer Yes
3 up to 3 Upper Level PC desktop computer Yes
4 up to 12 Upper Level Yes Yes
5 up to 12 Upper Level Yes Yes
6 up to 8 Lower Level Yes No
7 up to 4 Lower Level PC desktop computer Yes

Questions & Help

For questions about library study rooms, contact: