Mission & What We Do

Mission Statement
The University of New England Library Services are central to the intellectual life of the University community. They cultivate a vibrant learning environment by providing access to scholarly collections and resources; by offering services that foster inquiry and independent, life-long learning; by providing welcoming, interactive spaces and infrastructure that enhance the educational experience and support the information needs of the University; and by preserving specific special collections.
Strategic Plan
UNE Library Services Strategic Plan supports the priorities laid out in Our World, Our Future: Strategic Priorities 2024-2029.
We are proud to support our mission by providing access to following services:
- Over 140 research databases
- Over 1.6 million book, journal & film titles.
- Required textbooks as e-books or on course reserve at the libraries
- Free interlibrary loan services
- Individualized research assistance by live chat, Zoom, email, phone, walk-in or appointment
- Information literacy instruction
- Access to and education on the use of primary source materials in our special collections
- Subject librarians and research by subject guides for each curricular area
- Research help pages on search and research skills, resource evaluation, citations and the publishing process
- Resource recommendations for important topics of special concern
- Art Galleries featuring exhibits to support the curriculum and study seating
- Open access online publishing and scholarly communications support through DUNE: DigitalUNE
- Access to the contents of Maine’s public and academic libraries through MaineCat and the Maine Reciprocal Borrowing program
- Open guest Wi-Fi network
- PCs, printers, photocopiers, scanners, fax, and microfilm reader
- Expansive library hours, including 24/7 study spaces
- Over 60,000 square feet of library space
- 15 private/small group study rooms
- Employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
Library Contributions
Our librarians are active in state and national library organizations. We support issues of importance to the field of library and information science through professional organization membership, leadership, advocacy and professional development. We participate in:
- American Library Association (ALA)
- American Library Association Leadership Institute
- American Library Association Policy Corps
- American Library Association Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table Committee
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM)
- Digital POWRR Institute
- Ex-Libris Users Group of North America (ELUNA)
- Greater Portland Alliance of Colleges and Universities (GPACU)
- Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the Health Professions (LAMPHHS)
- Maine Archives and Museums (MAM)
- Maine’s Larger Libraries Group
- Maine Library Association
- Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program
- Medical Library Association (MLA)
- Medical Library Association Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP)
- National Network of Libraries of Medicine/New England Region (NNLM/NER)
- New England Archivists (NEA)
- New England Library Association (NELA)
- New England Library Leadership Symposium
- New England Museum Association
- North Atlantic Health Science Libraries (NAHSL)
- Open Education Network
- Society of American Archivists (SAA)
- UXLibs