University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

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Gift Materials Policy

We welcome donations of books, journals, audio/visual, or other resources which enhance our collections and support UNE’s teaching and research priorities. Gift materials are evaluated for currency, relevancy and with a mind to the balance of our collections. See our collections development policy.

Accepted Materials

We are most interested in recently published materials in good physical condition, without markings or damage. We may decline offers of gifts if they unnecessarily duplicate existing holdings, if the subject matter is outside the scope of our collections, or if there are donor restrictions we cannot honor.

Appropriate items accepted as donations become the property of the University of New England and may be added to our collections, given away, or recycled as needed.

Archival Items

If you believe the items you would like to donate have archival value, please contact the archivist for the collection most closely matching the subject matter:

To make a donation

Complete the Gift Materials donation form and either provide a list of items to be donate or make arrangements for a Research and Teaching Librarian to review the materials. Please do not bring materials into the library without prior notice.

We can provide a letter of acknowledgement for your donation which may be used as a receipt for tax purposes. Please note that IRS rulings preclude UNE Library Services from assessing the value of any donated materials. The donor is responsible for any appraisals.