University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Dental Medicine Resources

Databases for Dental Medicine

Exam MasterCreate an individual account using your UNE email address to access practice exams for the USMLE, PANCE, NAPLEX, NBDE, NCLEX, board certification exams, and review medical subjects.

Visible Body SuiteDetailed, Interactive 3D atlas of the human body. Requires a free account. Be patient - can take up to 30 seconds to load the first time you access. Users must login at least every 150 days from the above link to retain access. Tutorial. Mobile app instructions.

UpToDateEvidence-based, synthesized medical information for point-of-care decision-making. UpToDate training videos. Mobile app instructions. Requires a free, personal account in addition to the initial UNE login. Log in through this link every 90 days to retain your UNE access.

More Databases

PubMed (MEDLINE)PubMed search of MEDLINE, the US National Library of Medicine database of biomedical literature. Tutorials. Mobile app instructions. 

Lexidrug for DentistryLexicomp for Dentistry is now UpToDate Lexidrug for Dentistry. Current and accurate point-of-care information across clinical knowledge areas in dentistry.

Dentistry & Oral Science SourceDental and oral sciences journals covering dental public health, endodontics, odontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology and more.


ClinicalKeyCurrent clinical information for fast, concise answers at point-of-care. Mobile app instructions.

Cochrane Collection PlusSearches across the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.

MicromedexEvidence-based clinical reference for management of medications, diseases, and toxicology, plus lab test and patient education information. Mobile app instructions.

NatMed ProEvidence-based resource on natural medicines, dietary supplements, and complementary and integrative therapies. Formerly Natural Medicines.

Ulrichsweb Global Serials DirectoryDetailed information on journals and magazines published throughout the world.

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Video Resources

Dental Education in VideoVideos of dentistry and dental techniques from clinicians and educators together with interviews and lectures.

Academic Video OnlineMultidisciplinary streaming video titles including documentary, feature films, video demonstrations and more.

Bates' Visual Guide to Physical ExaminationClinical skills videos on head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques. OSCE skills videos are not included in our subscription.