University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Services & Spaces

Find Your UNE ID card number or PRN

Some library services require your UNE ID card number or PRN (personal reference number) to access. Here are some tips on finding these numbers.


Your UNE ID Card has a small barcode at the bottom along with a 14 digit number beginning with 2523200. This 14 digit number is your UNE ID card number. Use this number as your library card to log into cloudLibrary for e-books and audiobooks, or to request items from MaineCat.


Online students may not have a UNE ID card and can use their UNE PRN (Personal Reference Number) instead – these two numbers are interchangeable for accessing library services.

There are two ways you can get your PRN number: By looking it up in U-Online, or by looking at the numbers at the bottom of your UNE ID Card:

  1. Remove the first 7 digits (2523200) from the 14 digit number on your UNE ID card above the barcode
  2. Remove the last digit from the 14 digit number on your UNE ID card
  3. add 910 in front of the remaining 6 digits

The PRN for the ID in this photo would be 910123456

Questions & Help

If you have questions on this, or another, topic, contact a librarian for help!