University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Library Services for New Alumni

Congratulations to UNE’s 2024 graduating classes!

The library is here to support you in your next steps with access to our physical collections & research services. Please note that access to our online subscritption services, including databases, is limited to current UNE students, faculty and staff. We are able to offer recently graduated students a 90-day grace period of access in order to complete any professional exams or other final projects, but after the 90 days you UNE login will no longer grant you access to our online collections.

As part of our commitment to life-long learning, we can help you navigate freely available or state library supplied resources to support your personal needs and professional growth. We can offer help with:

  • Finding library resources in your state
  • Open access resources
  • Access to our on-campus physical collections
  • Use of our on-campus library spaces
  • By-appointment research consultations

Learn more about library services for UNE alumni.