University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet


All of the collections held by the MWWC are listed here alphabetically. Browse this list, view the collections on a map, or see what we’ve already digitized on DUNE:DigitalUNE!

Berenice Abbott collection, 1950-1991Primarily published articles about Abbott and her work, dating from the 1970s into the 1990s. Also included are exhibition catalogs and ephemera from the exhibits which featured Abbott’s work, material regarding awards received, and a small amount of correspondence from Abbott to the MWWC.

Mildred McKinley Abele papers, 1912-1948Personal correspondence, examination notes from nursing school, earlier education materials, graduation certificates as well as a diary, bank book and CD of scanned images. The correspondence begins in her first year as a probationary nursing student (1927) at Cary Memorial Hospital in Caribou, Maine.

Lee Agger collection, 1981-1988Correspondence with former MWWC curator Dorothy Healy, Agger’s speech for the Altrusa Club meeting and a letter to Annette Dorey.

Isabella (Pansy) Alden collection, 1942Contains two letters from Isabella Alden’s niece to Anna Hooper of Portland, Maine.

Elizabeth Akers Allen papers, 1866-1911Composed primarily of letters from Elizabeth Akers Allen to her friend Gilbert Tracy, written between 1902-1911. Some literary correspondence between Akers Allen and several publishers is included, as well as a manuscript copy of Sea Birds, under her pseudonym Florence Percy, dated 1866.

Margaret Stevens Allen collection, 1976A single memorial booklet for her husband Neal, who died in 1976. The booklet contains two of her poems: “Autumn” and “This Road.”

Jane W. Anderson collection, 1848A three stanza prayer poem written by Anderson in August 1848.

Patricia McGraw Anderson collection, 1988Includes a copy of Bowdoin (Fall 1988) with an article about the architecture of Bowdoin College.

Carol Armstrong collection, 1986-1987Correspondence from Carol Armstrong to Dorothy Healy, some on cards designed by Armstrong.

Alta Ashley collection, 1969-1995Includes an obituary, articles, photographs, a resume, and a copy of a booklet authored by Ashley entitled The Monhegan Ice Pond. There is also a small amount of material relating to Monhegan Island.

Ann S. Attwood papers, 1854-1886Original correspondence, school papers, clippings and a photograph.

Phyllis Austin papers, 1944-2017Consists primarily of Austin’s research conducted for various projects, mainly regarding Baxter State Park and in preparation for her book, Wilderness Partners: Buzz Caverly and Baxter State Park (2008).

Kathrine Cole Aydelott collection, 2003A manuscript of literary criticism about Sarah Orne Jewett’s work. Aydelott’s dissertation was titled Maine Stream: A Bibliographical Reception Study of Sarah Orne Jewett.

Sidney Baldwin papers, 1891-1986Newspaper columns written by Baldwin, mostly for The Peoria Star (Illinois), dating from the late 1890s through the 1950s. Also biographical and genealogical information, as well as some early family correspondence and several photographs of Baldwin in her later years.

Sister R. Mildred Barker collection, 1990Obituary and a black and white photo of Sister Mildred.

Kate Barnes papers, 1960-2005, undatedContains manuscripts, drawings, correspondence, and ephemera.

Theodosia L. Barrell collection, 1904-1918Student record books, notes from teaching classes, notes from “Shakespeare Club,” poetry, and blank report cards.

Anna Barrows papers, 1839-1948, undatedSeveral folders of Barrows’ notes and drafts of demonstration lectures. Also included are some of Barrows’ published articles and other ephemeral material on the topic of home economics education. There is correspondence between family members, a number of Barrows’ vital records, and material relating to Barrows’ interest in gardening, antiques, and rare books.

Georgiana Souther Barrows papers, 1856-1890Correspondence from Georgiana to her husband and her mother-in-law, and from her husband when he was in the Maine Senate. There are several verse manuscripts, one of which (“Dirge”) is signed.

Ramona Barth papers, 1880-2002, undatedThe items in this collection range from unpublished manuscripts, to stamp collections, to large posters. There is a small collection of VHS and cassettes, as well as transparencies with which Barth made t-shirts (including one of her own face). The topics are varied, but women’s liberation is a common theme throughout the collection.

Lura Beam collection, 1934-1990Reviews, a historical society booklet, a photocopy of “Contemporary American Novel” written by Beam and a copy of a story published in The Yale Review.

Ann Beattie papers, 1976-1996, undatedTypescript of Beattie’s novel Falling in Place (1981), with the author’s inscription on the title page, and a collection of personal correspondence from Beattie to Burt Britton from 1976-1996.

Siri Beckman collection, 1992-2004Includes greeting cards designed by Siri Beckman, a resume, and exhibition information.

Abbie S. Beede papers, 1837-1985, undatedFamily correspondence, postcards, property deeds, Pinkham family genealogy, and a photograph of the Beede home.

Nadya Bernard collection, 1980-1981Poems, photographs and correspondence.

Brenda Bettinson collection, 1996-2009A festschrift book created for Bettinson by Mathias Fine Art in 2009, composed of color and black and white reproductions of Bettinson’s work and essays by 24 contributors.

Audrey White Beyer papers, 1935-1985Typescripts of Beyer’s early poetry and prize-winning articles, as well as of her four young adult novels, published from 1959-1968.

Joyce K. Bibber collection, 1983-1989Contains two articles – one about Portland home interiors and one about Nathan Winslow, an early 19th century Portland merchant.

Millicent Todd Bingham collection, 1937-1968Correspondence with MWWC and two articles.

Bonnie Bishop papers, 1996-2019Includes a sketchbook for No One Noticed Ralph, as well as draft materials for other smaller book arts projects. The finished artist books can be found in the MWWC catalogue. Many of the books include poems written by Bishop.

Blaisdell family letters, 1879-1916Consists of 123 letters, most of which are addressed to either Mrs. F. W. (Lucy) Blaisdell or to her daughter Elizabeth Pierce Blaisdell Dolan. The collection also contains Elizabeth’s 1942 diary.

Louise Bogan collection, 1934-1985Includes a note from Bogan to Ruth Limmer, her literary executor, as well as brief MWWC correspondence with both Limmer and Bogan. There is also a special printing of Bogan’s poem “July Dawn,” a choral piece with text by Bogan, and a poetry manuscript entitled “Wanderlust.” Also included is a Lotte Jacobi photograph of Bogan and clippings relating to Bogan and her work.

Book Insert collection, 1839-1998A large range of material types in this collection including photographs, clippings, correspondence, and greeting cards.

Mrs. F. E. Boothby collection, 1893, 1913Includes greeting cards designed by Mrs. F. E. Boothby and a Columbia Bell Committee newsletter.

Vaun E. Born collection, 1984Includes a booklet on the Eunice Frye Home with a letter to MWWC.

Glenna Botting collection, 1989Three collections of poems.

Minnie Bowden collection, 1978-1993Biographical information, published poetry, manuscripts and recordings of poetry readings.

Phebe Anne Boyle collection, 1970Correspondence to Down East magazine’s book reviewer.

Sarah Jones Bradbury collection, 1888-1898Extracts from Bradbury’s diary (1750-1766), published in the Sunday Courier-Telegram in 1898, and excerpts from text read in 1888 at the Fortnightly Club of Chicago.

Carol Brightman collection, 1983-1999Includes articles, one on Deborah Morton, and reviews.

CarolAnn Brown collection, 1992-1993One folder compiled by John Jaques, USM professor, contains correspondence, poetry, poetry awards, and Jaques’ notes on CarolAnn Brown.

Ina Ladd Brown collection, 1957-1984Typescripts of Brown’s poetry (some unpublished) and plays, as well as essays on the subject of writing. A small amount of correspondence and ephemera related to her writing is included.

Polly Kapteyn Brown collection, 1983-1993Includes an exhibit catalog, two unpublished typescripts, a photo and biographical information.

Laura Curtis Bullard collection, 1981Includes a review and a reproduction photograph; also a biographical sketch.

Abagail Burnell letters, 1855-1857The letters from Burnell to her mother on topics of daily rural life.

Margaret Burnham collection, 1808-1995Includes an obituary, poems, a sermon from Oliver Ellsworth, photographs, a beaded bag, and an invitation to the Constitutional Centennial Celebration.

Mildred Burrage collection, 1956-1991Contains scrapbooks Burrage maintained of her columns on arts and historical subjects that were written for The Boothbay Register and The Kennebec Journal, correspondence with the Maine Women Writers Collection, and articles about her.

Adelyn Bushnell collection, 1924-1954Includes articles written about Adelyn Bushnell.

Ellen Hamlin Butler collection, 1911Includes a scrapbook and manuscript.

Joyce Butler collection, 1969-2014Consists mostly of published articles and essays on Maine history, written by Butler between 1970-1986. Also included are promotional material and reviews for her published books, and one folder of biographical material.

Dolores Cairns collection, 1927-1947Includes a biographical information sheet and photocopies of scrapbooks containing Cairns’ published poems and essays.

Mary R. Calvert collection, 1975-1996The bulk of this collection is composed of research materials used by Calvert for her works on the Kennebec River Valley.

Camp Moy Mo Da Yo collection, 1907-2009Contains records primarily dating from 1907 to 1972 including administrative records, publications and ephemera. The majority of the collection is made up of photographs documenting the camp throughout its existence. The images include photographs of the camp, various activities and groups of campers and staff.

Gladys Hasty Carroll collection, 1919-1999The bulk of the manuscript material is correspondence with Burton Trafton, beginning in the late 1930s focusing on the years of World War II through 1990.

Rachel Carson collection, 1946-1964Includes material published in periodicals (photocopies) and one article about Carson.

Crystal Cawley collection, 2004, 2007Includes a postcard. The Maine Women Writers Collection also holds six of Cawley’s artist’s books.

Nicole Chaison collection, 2011Consists of one promotional postcard for a performance by Chaison and others entitled “The Passion of the Hausfrau: An Illuminated Solo Comedy,” held at Freeport Factory Stage.

Chandler family letters, 1870-1949Includes primarily correspondence to and from members of the Chandler family from 1870-1949. The bulk of the letters date from 1925-1947, and are addressed either to Grace (“Bird”) or Ellen (“Lulla” or “Kit”). Many of the letters document Grace’s handling of the family’s investments, as well as the financial challenges caused by the 1929 stock market crash.

Mary Ellen Chase papers, 1902-1973Consists primarily of manuscript material highlighting Chase’s writing process and publications. It focuses on three of the author’s novels; early unpublished essays (1904-1909); extensive correspondence with family members, publishers, professors, statespersons, and other authors; and includes a small collection of photographs, both formal portraits and informal snapshots. The collection also holds exceptional personal scrapbooks created by the author, each one devoted to a particular novel. The scrapbooks include fan mail, reviews and criticisms, newspaper clippings, and speaking engagements.

Virginia Chase papers, 1910-1987Includes correspondence with both Dorothy Healy and Grace Dow as well as with others; typescripts of Virginia Chase Perkins’ novel, This American House and other publications; and interviews, clippings and reviews of her work in publications such as Down East and Yankee, including a representative collection of her short stories from the 1930s into the 1980s.

Carolyn Chute collection, 1984-2009Consists almost entirely of newspaper and magazine interviews with the author and reviews of her publications. The material reveals a great deal about her personal life and how it influences her writing.

Chute-Kellman Maine Militia papers, 1995-2018The majority of the collection is composed of correspondence from Carolyn Chute to Peter Kellman, spanning the years of 1995-2018. Chute’s correspondence is wide-ranging in its subject matter–from personal reflections on writing and the politics of publishing to political discussions about corporate personhood and the work of the 2nd Maine Militia.

A. Carman Clark papers, 1917-2005Contains diverse material types: diaries and journals covering 30 years; manuscript, draft and printed columns; articles and books; research files composed of clippings, notes, and correspondence; extensive correspondence; information on memberships, awards, teaching and conferences; and memorabilia including photographs, school papers and her typewriter.

Martha Clark collection, undatedIncludes a published poem possibly by Martha Clark.

S. R. Graham Clark collection, undatedIncludes a short biographical sketch.

Rebecca Sophia Clarke collection, 1906, 1988Includes photographs and an obituary.

Margaret Ellen Clifford collection, 1928-1934Includes photographs, playbills, correspondence, ephemera from travels, school papers, and a published play (in Vassar Review).

Clifford-Flanders family papers, circa 1852-1989Contains biographical and genealogical material, writings, correspondence, photographs and memorabilia. The first series consists of biographical information and birth, marriage, death and estate records, as well as a good deal of genealogical research on the Clifford, Lee, Hawkins and Flanders families (mostly performed by Margaret Clifford Flanders) with additional minimal information on the DeMerritt and Came lines.

Clubs, Organizations, and Associations collection, 1803-1987Consists of materials pertaining to various women’s clubs, organizations, and associations, located for the most part in Maine, with a few belonging to other states. Some are local branches of national organizations, such as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the American Association of University Women, while most are stand-alone entities.

Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth papers, 1852-2022Includes manuscripts, diaries and notebooks, personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, appointment books, photographs, scrapbooks, and other papers from Coatsworth’s life.

Dorothy Cole collection, 1977-1981Contains correspondence to Dorothy Healy and four bell catalogs of the Cole Museum – Taps, Twisters and Twirlers; Bells That Do Not Ring; The Museum Home of Dorothy and Robert Cole…Mecca in Maine; and Door-Bells.

Jessie S. Cole collection, 1976Includes a booklet of poetry written by Jessie Cole and illustrated by her daughter.

Miriam Colwell collection, 1945-1998Includes an article about Miriam Colwell and Clifford S. Reynolds (Precursors of the “real” Maine by Sanford Phippen), reviews, and publishers’ manuscripts for three of her books – Wind Off the Water, Day of the Trumpet, and Young.

Mary Elizabeth Neal Copeland collection, 1925-1985Includes a scrapbook of published poetry clippings, photocopies of her 1938 and 1947 travel journals, and a brief biographical sketch.

Jennifer Craig collection, 1992-2020Includes broadside, journals, essays, and articles.

Dorothy M. Cram collection, 1931-1987Includes poetry and short story manuscripts as well as clippings of published material by Cram.

Janis Cummings collection, circa 1970-1979Includes correspondence and manuscripts.

Rebecca Cummings collection, 1984Includes a press release and an article.

Sharon Cummins collection, 2007Contains notes from Evergreen Cemetery, 1850 and 1860 censuses, and records from Kennebunk. The materials also include newspaper articles on the murder trial and an earlier description of the marriage and murder, which was included in the book Women Who Kill.

Patricia D’Angelo collection, 1991-1997Correspondence, biographical information and published and unpublished poetry.

Deborah Dalfonso collection, 1988-2008The five folders in this collection include Dalfonso’s obituary, fourteen articles for Down East, a sample of other magazine articles, and mock-ups of her two books: Sister (about the life of interior decorator Sister Parish), and Christina Olsen (on the woman featured in Andrew Wyeth’s “Christina’s World”).

Edith Leverett Dalton collection, circa 1897Handwritten manuscripts for two prose stories, “Country Life” and “The Blue Dress.”

Geneva V. Damon collection, 1973-1980Published and unpublished poems, articles.

Mildred E. Danforth collection, 1970-2007Correspondence, an article and copies of book covers.

Louise Darcy collection, 1933-1978Published poetry and an obituary.

Bradford Dudley Daziel collection, 1975-1992Correspondence and a copy of Daziel’s dissertation.

Elizabeth De Wolfe collection, 1997, 2009Includes research for a book and a lecture invitation.

Margaret Wade Campbell Deland collection, 1925-1991Includes a 1941 letter signed by Deland, a fascinating hand made gift book, photographs and slides of Graywood, published work in periodicals, and a matted and framed ink drawing of Deland’s Kennebunkport living room, 1950.

Florence Demers collection, circa 1950-1977Correspondence, essays, an interview, and a booklet titled My Bird Friend.

Nancy Dibner papers, 1966-2007Includes, among other things, papers concerning the National Organization for Women (NOW), the formation of the Maine Chapter of NOW, and a collection of feminist buttons and political stickers of the early 1970s.

Margaret Dickson collection, 1983-1993Correspondence, promotional materials, and reviews.

Michelle Dionetti collection, 1990-1994Includes a resume, correspondence and reviews.

Dorothea Lynde Dix collection, 1848-1974Material related to Dorothea Dix’s work on behalf of society’s disadvantaged and war veterans as recorded in Congressional testimony.

Myrtle Doane collection, 1925-1981Consists largely of clippings of Doane’s newspaper columns and poetry from the Advertiser-Democrat and other local papers.

Mary G. Doe collection, circa 1849Consists of a clipping of one of Doe’s poems, an elegy composed on the death of Abigail Marston, Parsonsfield, Maine (1849).

Marie Donahue papers, 1904-2008These papers offer a unique portrait of a literary life anchored in South Berwick, Maine, much of it centering around Sarah Orne Jewett. There is correspondence between Donahue and numerous literary figures including Gladys Hasty Carroll, Dorothy Healy, and Douglas Alvord, as well as Senators Margaret Chase Smith and George Mitchell.

S. Dorman collection, undatedContains two press releases for Maine Metaphor: The Green and Blue House.

Karen Douglass collection, 1992-1994This collection includes reviews.

Martha Tod Dudman collection, 2004, 2008Publicity materials.

Jean Saunders Duling collection, 1986, 1996Includes a review and an invitation to an autograph party for her book Wing Songs.

Jacqueline M. Dumas collection, 1971-1977Includes reviews, articles and correspondence.

Patricia DuBose Duncan collection, 2001-2017Contains a press release, a newspaper article, and a short biography.

Emma B. Dunham collection, 1877Includes a Christmas carol written by Dunham.

Miriam Dyak collection, 1975-1977Includes reviews and published poems, as well as correspondence with Blackberry Books publisher Gary Lawless, a poetry manuscript, cassette tapes, and a photo.

Emma Eames collection, 1903Includes an article about Eames and her Italian home from The Delineator, December 1903.

Myra Smith Earl collection, 1993A review and publicity materials.

Fannie Hardy Eckstorm collection, 1917-1996A small number of reviews and articles (photocopies) about the author and her writings about Maine; also one photo which is a reproduction. There is a reprint of an extract from her 1889 journal, edited by Benton L. Hatch and also a personal letter from him to its recipient, tucked into the reprint.

Education collection, 1840-1979Includes correspondence, a commencement booklet, a “List of Guests,” and Misses Symonds’ School Catalogue.

Eva Elder collection, undatedThis collection includes a photograph.

Margery Eliscu collection, 1977-1992Includes articles, publicity and newspaper columns.

Kathleen Ellis collection, 1989-1996Reviews, workshop publicity and articles.

Marguerite Weymouth Emerson collection, undatedA collection of poems.

Ina N. Emery collection, 1931Includes a paper read by Ina Emery at the Stanley-Gould reunion, August 29, 1931.

Frances Emery-Waterhouse collection, 1948–1966Includes correspondence with Burton Trafton, biographical information and articles.

Chansonetta Stanley Emmons collection, 1886–2008Includes numerous items relating to Chansonetta Stanley Emmons’ life and work, including include copies of correspondence, photographs, articles, and glass plate negatives of images taken in Kingfield and New Portland, Maine.

Dorothy Stanley Emmons collection, 1917, undatedThis small collection contains reproductions of work by Dorothy Stanley Emmons, daughter of Chansonetta Emmons, and a short biography and a newspaper clipping of her marriage.

Ephemera collection, 1884-circa 1913, undatedContains two sets of “Queens of Literature” playing cards, several postcards, a broadside poem, a clipping, a bookmark, a pin with a photo of May Sarton, and a manuscript poem.

Helen Slocum Estabrook collection, undatedDust jacket from Old Testament Stories.

Abbie Huston Evans collection, 1964-1988Biographical notes, correspondence, news clippings, and typescripts.

Inez Farrington collection, circa 1942-1997Correspondence, reviews and a published poem.

Doris P. Faucher collection, 2015Contains Faucher’s obituary in the August 2, 2015 Maine Sunday Telegram.

Sandra Featherman papers, 1967-2008Consists of published academic papers, correspondence, speeches, news clippings and conference programs documenting her academic career and public service from 1967-2008, as well as a small amount of personal correspondence.

Female Samaritan Association records, 1828-2007Consists primarily of meeting and financial records, dating from the 1930s to the present. There are constitutions, brochures, clippings, and some photographs of the founder and members.

Feminist Spiritual Community records, 1975-2017, undatedMeeting notes which discuss the Community’s decision-making process, as well as financial documents, newsletters, and by-laws. There are many examples of rituals the Community performed and various objects used in these rituals.

Fanny Fern collection, 1853-1872Includes twentieth century articles, a family history, photographs, and published work in periodicals including Portland Transcript and the People’s Organ. The collection holds at least one copy of each of her book titles and three titles appearing as articles in Portland newspapers. In some cases multiple printings of a given title are in the collection. Unless otherwise indicated, the titles are first editions. Additionally, the collection holds several biographical and critical titles.

Jacqueline Field collection, 1998-2014Copies of published writing, as well as a CV and photos from a Robert Burns Dinner Party.

Rachel Field collection, 1925-1971Among the manuscript material in this collection is correspondence from Rachel Field to Elizabeth Coatsworth and Rosamond Lamb and letters from a Cranberry Island legend, Samuel Clark Sanford, to Rosamond Lamb. There are two photo Christmas cards, magazine and newspaper reviews of her books, her obituary, and notes revealing her husband’s welfare after her death in 1942.

Vena Bernadette Field collection, 1931Includes copy of The Maine Bulletin.

Hilda Fife collection, 1972-1991Includes correspondence with Dorothy Healy and articles.

Annie Finch collection, 2011Consists of a program for Finch’s 2011 production of her play Wolf Song through the Poets Theater of Maine.

Fitch family correspondence, 1845-1868The Fitch family letters contain letters from multiple members of the Fitch family. The bulk of the letters are from Frances (Fannie) Anderson to her cousin Mary Perley (nee Fitch); these letters are posted from Paris, Savannah, Georgia, and Bridgton, Maine. The second largest collection of letters is from Almira Fitch to her daughter, Caroline. There are also multiple dance hall cards from Portland, Maine dances throughout 1848 signed by Henry Perley.

Diane Fitzpatrick collection, 2009Materials related to the presentation of Fitzpatricks’ play, including promotional postcards, programs, and three copies of the DVD recording of the performance.

Harriet Payson Flagg correspondence, 1809-1821The 32 letters in the collection span the years 1809-1821. The contents range from early letters with gossip about marriages to letters concerning money and deaths among family and friends.

Hilda C. Fletcher collection, 1982Typescript of “My Great-great Aunt Joanna Lawrence,” 1982.

Mattie Fletcher diaries, 1911-1920Eight diaries written by Mattie Fletcher during the years 1911 through 1920. She was a young woman living at home with her parents and brothers.

Lynn Flewelling collection, 1996-1997Articles, reviews, a resume and biographical information.

Hortense Flexner collection, 1990-1993Includes publicity, published poems, and articles.

Margaret Flint collection, circa 1938, 1980Includes articles and dust jacket.

Kate Flora papers, 1997-2008Contains entire drafts of three published books: Playing God (1999), Liberty or Death (1999) and Stalking Death — The Seventh Thea Kozak Mystery (2008). Drafts contain editorial comments. Also includes reviews.

Elizabeth Foster collection, 1942-1994Predominantly of typescripts of the author’s published and unpublished novels, novelettes, short stories, and pages from works. It is possible Foster intended to expand upon them at a later time. A few of the works exist in various editions and some typescripts include synopses and a listing of the publications to which the pieces were submitted.

Ann Franco collection, 1979Published poetry and articles.

Susan Douglas Franzosa collection, 2004Lecture delivered at the MWWC conference, June 2004.

Lisa Rowe Fraustino collection, 1994This collection includes publicity.

Jessie Wheeler Freeman collection, 1940-1963Includes correspondence, musical score and published poem.

Sarah Wood Frost correspondence, 1815-182211 letters written by Dr. William Frost to his daughter, Sarah (Sally) Wood Frost, between the years of 1815 and 1822. Most of the letters originate in Havana, Cuba.

Carolyn Gage collection, 2003–2007One newspaper article and a small amount of correspondence.

Beatrix Gates papers, 1976-2007The Beatrix Gates papers covers diverse materials from late 20th century poetry, publishing, and letterpress printing. The Granite Press series makes up the majority of the collection.

Avis Carter Gebert collection, 2009-2020Contains two letters from Gebert to former MWWC Curator Mary Anne Wallace, as well as a 2009 newspaper article about Gebert and her 2020 obituary. The collection also contains a photo of Gebert and a bookmark of her book.

Lisa May Giles collection, 2015Contains a postcard for one of Giles’ poetry readings.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman collection, 1880–2001Correspondence, trade cards designed by Gilman and articles.

Laura Godfrey collection, 1885Includes a travel diary, a transcription of the diary and dried flowers.

Jolene Goldenthal collection, undatedIncludes a radio script and resume.

Rebecca Goodale collection, 1999–2008Includes a screenprint from Goodale’s “Reading” series, event invitations, catalogues, materials related to the “Ant Girls” and other ephemera.

Gladys J. Goodwin collection, undatedIncludes a musical score and unpublished poetry.

Sophia Elizabeth Hayes Goodwin collection, 1992, undatedIncludes a manuscript, a photograph and obituary.

Sarah Bridge Graves collection, 1942–1989, undatedPublished articles, published and unpublished poetry, drawings by Graves, as well as mineral specimens. The collection also contains biographical material, correspondence to Dorothy Healy and publishers, and photographs of Graves.

Hulda Greenwood diaries and Fellows family papers, 1868–1902Twenty diaries written by Hulda Greenwood, two diaries of Julia G. Brown, as well as photographs, genealogical data and correspondence pertaining to the Fellows family.

Hortense Gardner Gregg collection, 1909–1949Interviews, articles, poetry, and a black and white photograph.

Sallie O. Griffin collection, 1949Unpublished poems.

Megan Grumbling collection, 2016Contains a program from Persephone in the late Anthropocene as well as a press release from the University of North Texas.

Louise Imogen Guiney collection, 1900, undatedIncludes correspondence and reviews.

Hattie Hacker drawings and paintings, 1887-1889Includes 13 oil paintings (1 on canvas, 10 on board, 2 on paper), as well as 35 charcoal drawings (16 drawings on mat board).

Gladys Hager collection, 1992A series of letters from Yasuo Hashiguchi, Jewett scholar, to Gladys Hager, written in 1992 and related to discussion of Dorothy Healy.

Chenoweth Hall slides, 1952–1986Composed of slides and stereo slides of images taken by Hall from 1952 to 1986, including images of her home with Miriam Colwell in Prospect Harbor and their pets; the natural world, including gardens, birds and landscapes; excursions along the Maine coast; travel to Europe (especially Greece), Canada, New York, Virginia and Washington, D.C.; Hall’s artwork; and visits with artist friends such as Berenice Abbott, Ruth Moore, Bernard Langlais, Beverly Hassam, Robert Shetterly and others.

Martha A. Hall collection, 1971–2011, undatedDocument Hall’s practice as a book artist, and include postcards from shows, correspondence, and multiple prototype books that illustrate her interest in form, texture and color. Also included are slides, artist’s statements, price lists, as well as a catalog published by Smith College.

Helen Hamlin collection, 1945–2006Includes photographs, forward to “Nine Mile Bridge”, paper and review.

Fannie M. Harford diaries, 1897–1922Four diaries written during the years 1897-1900, 1915, and 1922. These diaries provide an intimate view into the daily life of Fannie M. Harford, her family and friends. Readers can track developments in Portland area infrastructure and enjoy daily weather reports.

Bertha S. Harmon collection, 1978, 1991Includes correspondence, article and a color photograph.

Ruth Elaine Hawkins collection, 1945–1946Consists of Hawkins’s official U.S. Navy discharge papers and ephemera, Navy literature, a few documents related to Hawkins’s speciality while serving, and a photograph (scanned reproduction) of her in uniform.

Susan Hayward collection, 1991–1997, undatedConsists of nine educational booklets Hayward created for the Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary in Lewiston on topics such as fungi, trees, the senses, nature hikes, birds, wildflowers, insects and squirrels.

Anne Hazlewood-Brady papers, 1958–2001Includes manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, articles, playbills and personal papers.

Anna Holt Henderson collection, 1978–1979Includes correspondence and an article.

Martha S. Henry collection, 1983–1985Correspondence and published and unpublished poetry.

Holly Hill collection, 1990Includes “Poems and Prose” typescript.

Sheilah Hillman collection, 1976–1981Includes a private school handbook.

Marcella M. H. Hines collection, 1839–1874Contains one handwritten poetry manuscript that includes notes about publication dates and periodicals in which the poems were published.

Isabelle Maria Hoffses diaries, 1862–1908These six diaries, written by Hoffses between 1862 and 1908, primarily record her deep concerns about her spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical state of being. Also included are pedagogical and Biblical notes of significance to her development. Most of the entries were written in Waldoboro or other surrounding towns where Hoffses taught school.

Blanche Willis Howard collection, 1847–1906Contains samples of Howard’s literary work in manuscript form, biographical information, correspondence, business papers with her publishers, and estate documents. Some items are in German.

Caroline Dana Howe collection, 1886Includes promotional material for Ashes for Flame, and Other Poems.

Christine Teale Howes collection, 1979–1995Includes Howes’ resume, some correspondence, one interview with the York County Coast Star, several chapbooks, and early drafts. Also included is the sheet music accompanying her compositions, “Changing Perceptions” and “Epitaph.”

Elizabeth Ellis Hoyt collection, 1973Includes 7 boxes of shells. A note included in the collection reads: “Collection of sea shells from all parts of the world.”

Constance Hunting collection, 1979–1996Includes photocopies of newspaper and magazine interviews with poet, editor and publisher Hunting and a color photo of the author.

Perdita Huston papers, 1936–2007Includes files documenting Huston’s professional life, beginning with her journalism work with Time Life in Algeria until her final work on the Global Family Project in the late 1990s. Included are research notes, interview transcripts, drafts of her writing projects, correspondence from throughout her career, and material on organizations and conferences she was involved with.

Dahlov Ipcar collection, 1966–2000Includes drafts and publication material relating to Ipcar’s 1990 collection of fantasy short stories, The Nightmare and Her Foal. Also in the collection are articles and essays by and about the author, catalogs, and original artwork.

Judith Magyar Isaacson papers, 1976–1990Documents Isaacson’s research and writing of Seed of Sarah, her Holocaust memoir. The collection consists of research material, including papers relating to a reunion of former inmates of the Lichtenau concentration camp.

Lucille Iverson collection, 1988, undatedIncludes a resume, poem typescripts and correspondence to Dorothy Healy.

Karen Woodruff Jackson collection, undatedIncludes essays written by Jackson.

Margaret Talbot Jackson papers, 1898–1917, undatedThese papers are dominated by over 650 letters. The majority of these letters are between Margaret and her mother (Edith T. Jackson of Sorrento Maine), her aunt Marion, who was dean of women at the University of Chicago, and her fiance, L. Earl Rowe who spent many years at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Sarah (Sally) White Jackson collection, 1960–1965Includes poetry and a thesis.

Florence Burrill Jacobs papers, 1904-1976Extensive files of Jacobs’ manuscripts, both published and unpublished, as well as correspondence from publishers dating from the 1920s through the 1970s. Also in the collection is biographical information, including autobiographical notes, student essays about Jacobs, photographs and school-related notebooks and memorabilia.

Ellen James collection, 1904–1977Correspondence, several poetry typescripts, autobiographical essay, photographs, 1930s Monhegan Island scrapbook, and commonplace book.

Jay Wood Turning Company documents, 1899–1916Documents from circa 1900 concerning the establishment of the Jay Wood Turning Company and its stockholders. Also included is material relating to the Julia Cote case, which appeared before the Maine Supreme Court in 1916. Documents include the Supreme Court writ and and attorney’s letter advising the Jay Wood Company in matters of the case. A roster of names is also included, signed by workers wishing to donate a portion of their earnings to Julia Cote.

Sarah Orne Jewett collection, 1801–1997Includes manuscripts, correspondence, articles, reviews, research papers, memorabilia, photographs, printed material, artifacts, and family business records. The manuscripts include: a poem written by Jewett at age fourteen; notes found in her personal copy of The Norman Conquest; “Indians,” her earliest known manuscript; and a complete manuscript copy of the “Night Before Thanksgiving.”

Trafton collection of Sarah Orne Jewett materials, 1856-1990Includes a large variety of research pertaining to the life of Sarah Orne Jewett.

Eleanor Noyes Johnson papers, 1932–1993Contains hand-written drafts and typescripts of Johnson’s young adult novel, King Alfred II, as well as Armitage Hall. Also included is literary correspondence from 1957-1962, publicity material, book reviews, and published short articles and stories.

Marjorie Johnson collection, 1975, 1981Includes correspondence and an obituary.

Alnah James Johnston collection, 1978–1981Includes book publicity and speeches.

Theodora J. Kalikow collection, 1968–2016Correspondence, scholarly articles, reviews, conference papers, speeches and newspaper columns by Kalikow. It also includes interviews with her, dissertations about her, and various awards and recognition.

Barbara Banker Kamar collection, 1885–2012, undatedCorrespondence and memorabilia, with supporting biographical material.

Myra Lee Kennedy collection, undatedSong book titled “Songs and Such”

Susan McIlvaine Kenney collection, 1984–1995Includes articles and reviews, as well as several letters.

Carol Farley Kessler papers, 1970–2015Includes manuscripts, correspondence, articles, reviews, research papers and background materials, photographs and artifacts.

Stephanie Green Kincaid collection, 1978–1982Includes correspondence to Dorothy Healy, reviews and greeting cards.

Ardeana Hamlin Knowles collection, 1986–1987Consists of an 8 x 10 photograph.

Marie Knowles collection, 1992, undatedCorrespondence and autobiographical pamphlets.

Joanna Halpert Kraus collection, 1957–1986Correspondence and writings, some of which are manuscripts.

Louise Lamprey collection, 1934-1935Consists of biographical newspaper articles, and a typescript of four stories by Lamprey.

Nancy Leavitt collection, 2010Contains an interview regarding In Hibernation in Letter Arts Review and a poster about the form of the book.

Peggy Lance Lee collection, 1991This collection includes publicity.

Denise Levertov collection, 1964–1986Includes correspondence, interviews, and articles.

Donna M. Loring papers, 1956–2016, undatedA rich resource for researchers interested in the unique role of Maine’s Tribal Representatives, the history and current state of affairs for the Wabanaki people of Maine, and state politics in Maine.

Ethel Godfrey Loud collection, 1880-1959Contains travel diaries, photographs, letters; Smith College (class of 1901) memorabilia, as well as a memorial album for her husband.

Anna Scott Lougee collection, undatedIncludes the manuscript “Music and Musicians of Maine.”

Marion Smith Lowndes collection, 1970, 1993Includes a letter and an obituary.

Lois Lowry collection, 1977-1997Correspondence, articles, interview and published work in periodicals.

Amy MacDonald collection, 1990-1998Includes reviews, publicity, interviews, and workshop publicity.

Courtney MacLeod collection, 2010Contains six typed poems.

Maine Association of Women in the Fine and Performing Arts records, 1977-1983, undatedContains the papers and visual materials of this female-driven, artist-run organization active in the state from 1977 through 1983. The MAWFPA records are arranged into four series documenting the activities of the organization with majority focusing on Spectra 1 and Spectra 2, the two all-female multi-disciplinary arts celebrations produced by the organization in 1979 and 1982.

Maine Girls’ Camps collection, 1926-1928, undatedPromotional booklets and photographs from various Maine girls’ camps.

Maine Media Women records, 1951-2012Consists of the papers generated by officers of the organization in the course of carrying out their functions. It also contains membership directories, newsletters published by MMW, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The vast majority of the materials are paper-based, although there are a few computer disks, two VHS tapes, a plaque, and a ribbon and pin decoration.

Maine Retired Teachers Association records, 1976A typescript titled Grand State of Maine, assembled by the Maine Retired Teachers Association.

Maine Women Writers Reference collection, 1856-2013This artificial collection includes reference materials, articles, book reviews, and obituaries relating to a variety of people and organizations.

Manuscript Volumes collection, 1838-1952, undatedAn artificial collection made up of diaries, albums, scrapbooks, ledgers, day books, copy and commonplace books written by various unpublished Maine women writers.

Rose Marasco papers, 1923-1937, 1992-2015Includes exhibit catalogs, photographs, research projects, prints and publicity materials. It contains the diary series of framed photographs from the domestic objects series, as well as the portrait photographs of Margaret J.M. Sweat, “Vinalhaven Women” and “Florence Burrill Jacobs”. It also contains research for the Sweat photographs, diaries purchased for research, and photographs for the MWWC’s 50th anniversary.

Alice Mariett collection, 1932-1964Contains clippings, poetry, manuscripts and ephemera related to Alice Mariett and others.

Doris Ricker Marston collection, 1970A manuscript of A Guide to Writing History and a photocopy of her article published in The New England Galaxy.

Jacqueline Briggs Martin collection, 1997Includes photocopies of biographical information.

Penelope Martin collection, 1821-1993Includes an 1820s manuscript, two theses, and an Elizabeth Baxter proposal to publish Penelope Martin papers.

J. Day Mason collection, 1987-1990Includes review, press releases, correspondence with Dorothy Healy, exhibit materials, photographs, and two poems in calligraphy.

Eleanor Mayo manuscript, undatedUnpublished manuscript by Mayo, entitled The Pleasure Dome.

Bobette McCarthy collection, 1993Includes a review and greeting cards designed by McCarthy.

Mary McCarthy collection, 1957, 1986Includes an invitation and an article published in The New Yorker.

Sue McConkey papers, 1912-2001Contains biographical material, including family photographs, and transcripts from interviews with McConkey. Other items include published articles about the writer and her work, material associated with the Poetry Fellowship of Maine, and chapbooks containing some of her poems.

Ada Pierce McCormick collection, 1923-1984, undatedIncludes biographical info, full issues of Letter Magazine 1943-47, articles and booklets.

Eva McDonald-Valesh collection, 1891A small collection of correspondence

Harriet A. McNeil letters, 1852-1855This brief series of letters to a woman named Caroline (1852-53) and an agent named Mr. Libby (1855) describe Harriet McNeil’s attempt to sell her patrimony and arrange for Caroline to receive the money so that she could travel to live in Alabama with Mrs. McNeil.

Ruth Mendelsohn papers, 1969-1995Consists largely of poem drafts (handwritten and typed) and notes for poems and other writing projects. It includes copies of, and publicity/correspondence about, her chapbook, Sixteen Pastorals. The collection also includes materials from writing classes, correspondence to/from family and friends, tax paperwork as well as photographs.

Daphne Winslow Merrill papers, 1954-1992Includes manuscripts of Merrill’s articles and the book More Cones From the Pines of Maine, as well as copies of published articles. Also included is literary correspondence with the publishers of Merrill’s poetry. A scrapbook contains reader responses and clippings pertaining to More Cones.

Elizabeth Miles collection, 2011An article by Miles for The Portland Phoenix.

Edna St. Vincent Millay collection, 1900-1992Consists of photocopies of the poet’s early work, biographical sketches, and correspondence with her mother and sisters. Also included are a few photographs of a school-aged Millay, an example of her signature, and two volumes of Tamarack, a journal edited by her sister, Norma Millay, in the 1980s.

Norma Millay collection, 1926-1986Includes a theater program, articles, correspondence.

Casey Miller collection, 1986-1987Includes letter to Dorothy Healy, articles, and an interview.

Olive Thorne Miller collection, undatedIncludes a brief Christmas note enclosed in Our Home Pets.

Gertrude W. Mills collection, 1938A biography of Sylvia Stanislaus written by Mills.

Millicent S. Monks collection, 1980-1986Contains correspondence between Millicent S. Monks and Dorothy Healy.

Anne Carroll Moore collection, undatedA review and “Reading for Pleasure” book list.

Elizabeth J. Moore collection, 1991-1993Correspondence with MWWC, biographical information, reviews, and work published in periodicals.

Maude Moore collection, undatedIncludes brief biographical information from Mrs. Mary Stiles.

Ruth Moore collection, 1917-1995Includes manuscripts of Moore’s post-1955 novels and poetry collections, as well as editor’s notes, advance copies and galleys of these works. Also included are scrapbooks and loose clippings of reviews and publicity, as well as fan mail and literary correspondence.

Lael Morgan papers, 1936-2017Contained in the Lael Morgan papers are: newspaper clippings; photographs, including a large number of slides and transparencies; manuscripts; scrapbooks; travel logs; correspondence; media; and memorabilia.

Jane C. Morrison collection, 1987Includes publicity and an obituary.

Bessie Smith Moulton collection, 2008, 2014, undatedIncludes a resume, exhibition postcards, and a note to Cally Gurley.

Mt. Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union records, 1858-1859Contains correspondence relating to fundraising activities, two copies of the Association’s newsletter, the Association’s constitution and by-laws, and other related material.

Margaret Mueller-Shore collection, 1975Poems and note to Dorothy Healy.

Evelyn E. Mullins collection, undatedIncludes an article and a photograph.

MWWC collection of audio and video recording, 1970-2011, undatedIncludes a variety of media created and acquired by MWWC over the years.

National Woman’s Party collection, 1853, 1914-1923, undatedNumerous documents relating to both the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage and the National Woman’s Party. This encompasses personal diaries, organizational reports, legislative guides, posters, pamphlets, leaflets, and broadsides.

Helen Nearing collection, 1917-2004Articles, postcard, reviews, and a grant application.

Rosemarie Nervelle papers, 2014Consists of a copy of the author’s press release for and prefatory note to her memoir Swamp Robin, published in 2014 by Goose River Press in Waldoboro, Maine.

Nancy A. Noble collection, 2011Contains one typescript of an article written by Noble on an art exhibit at Dodwell Gallery, Long Island, Maine.

Lillian Nordica collection, 1907, 1957Includes a centennial concert program.

Della May Noyes collection, 1868-1970Consists of 16 daily diaries dated 1926, 1929, 1930-1943; one “Old Maids’ Retreat” log book of a camp/tent she frequented with friends, possibly on Pennesseewassee Lake in Norway, ME, dated 1893-1900 and other materials.

Katharine E. O’Brien papers, 1905-1986Documents O’Brien’s creative work as well as her high school teaching career. Among the creative works are poetry notes and drafts, published verse, musical scores, and literary correspondence. The collection includes O’Brien’s Deering High School files from 1940-1971.

Elisabeth May Ogilvie papers, 1933-2006Includes biographical information, manuscripts, interviews, reviews, newsletters, photographs, correspondence, notes, and research materials.

Julia Older collection, 2008, undatedA small collection of publicity material.

Laura Loud Orcutt collection, 1980-1997An article, The Decorator and obituaries.

Jan Owen collection, 1995-1997A single folder containing two artists’ book collaborations with Jennifer Craig.

Mary Beth Owens collection, 1988Includes a letter to Dorothy Healy, an article and publicity related to the children’s and young adult author.

Mary R. Palmer collection, 1984-1998Correspondence with Dorothy Healy, broadsides and reviews.

Alice Parkman collection, 1906-1914, undatedIncludes letters to Alice Parkman.

Kitty Parsons collection, 1969Includes newspapers and correspondence with Dorothy Healy.

Arla Patch collection, 2012Contains an essay Patch wrote for the Lewiston Sun Journal.

Edith Patch collection, 1913-1997Articles, poems in greeting cards, and publicity related to the University of Maine at Orono entomologist

Mihku Paul collection, 2010-2014One postcard for Paul’s exhibit “Many Hands: Wabanaki Paths of Learning” and posters for the reception for Paul’s exhibition “Look Twice: The Waponahki in Image and Verse.”

Heather Payson collection, 1985Photocopies of poetry and letter from Dorothy Healy.

Frances Peabody papers, 1920-1997Includes files for Tate House: Crown of the Maine Mast Trade; newspaper clippings, photocopies, research papers, and uncredited notes that Peabody collected for reference purposes on a variety of subjects; and papers that relate to Peabody’s work with many Maine organizations.

Josephine Diebitsch Peary papers, 1861-2003A large variety of historical items, including four important scrapbooks compiled by Rear Admiral and Mrs. Peary’s daughter, Marie Peary Stafford, which place in chronological order, papers and photographs telling the story of their lives, the majority of the contents focusing on Josephine Peary.

Marie Ahnighito Peary papers, 1862-1995A wide variety of material documenting Marie Peary Stafford’s life. There is a large amount of manuscript material including typescripts of her many publications, both books and stories submitted to magazines. The collection holds the published copies, the publishers’ contracts, reviews of her writings, and Marie’s notes for her stories.

Cathie Pelletier papers, 1963-2003Restricted.

Dr. Anne E. Perkins collection, 1930-1954Includes the correspondence between Dr. Anne E. Perkins and Ralph C. Bean. Some clippings are also included, as well as letters to Dr. Perkins from persons other than Mr. Bean.

Mary T. Perley diaries, 1860-1904In entries spanning the Civil War, the Centennial and the turn of the century, Mary Perley manages to fit decades of experience in two thin diaries. Rarely giving more than a few lines to a day, the journals cover the years between 1860 and 1904, inclusively. The diaries act largely as a record of her travels, with many names mentioned, but few details.

Katy Perry papers, 1966-2012The bulk of this collection is composed of drafts for articles and clippings of Perry’s numerous newspaper columns from 1966-2011. Also included are a few articles about Perry, as well as a biographical sketch, business card, senior thesis comparing Perry’s Pieces of Earth to Thoreau’s Walden, and approximately 44 VHS tape recordings of her television program, Our Towns, dated 1995-2004.

Sophia E. Perry collection, 1862, 1886A poem and an essay written by Perry.

Helen Pitman collection, 1957, undatedTypescript carbon of account of Canadian trip, notebook with itinerary, postcards, and diary of 1957 European travels of Helen Pitman and Anna S. Perry.

Harriet Plimpton collection, 1812-1978Includes typescripts, correspondence, photographs, a 1905-1909 diary, and memorabilia.

Elizabeth Lester Poole collection, 1947-2006Includes Poole’s CV, correspondence, published photography and writings, and materials related to her work at Stanley Museum, including posters, brochures, slides, Stanley family interviews, and clippings.

Lillian Russell Porter collection, 1954-1976Includes an obituary, correspondence with MWWC and a manuscript.

Marjorie Palmer Power collection, circa 1942Contains 2 poetry broadsides.

Sally Thompson Powers collection, 1835Written in 1835, this diary records Sally Powers’ early childhood experiences, including the loss of her mother; her feelings of guilt and self-doubt and struggle to be a “real” Christian.

Marjory Bates Pratt collection, 1965-1992Correspondence, self-published manuscripts that include her personal musings on life, and two haiku booklets.

Jean Preis papers, 1993-2016Includes 7 bound volumes of Preis’s “Bird Watch” column for the Bridgton News (including an index). It also includes one copy of a 2008 Bird Watcher’s Digest with an article by Preis, and another 1987 copy of Bird Watcher’s Digest with an aricle by Dorothy Sanborn.

Elizabeth Payson Prentiss collection, 1983Includes a portrait and an essay.

Georgia Shaw Prescott collection, 1970-1973Photograph, correspondance with Dorothy Healy, and verse.

H. H. Price papers, 1983-2009These papers mainly include drafts of essays and chapters, correspondence, worksheets, illustrations, revisions, proofs and printer’s mechanicals produced between 1983 and 2009.

Susan Nichols Pulsifer collection, 1918-1974Correspondence, manuscripts, biographical material and articles.

Erica Quin-Easter collection, 2003-2005Two CDs and several articles related to writer, musician and composer Quin-Easter.

Patricia Smith Ranzoni collection, 1991-2011Includes correspondence, publicity, reviews and published poetry.

Patricia Davidson Reef collection, 1984-1989Correspondence, articles, students’ writing, photographs and publicity.

Rebecca Hourwich Reyher collection, 1960-1987Correspondence (1976-1987), articles, photographs, speeches and Reyher’s obituary. The letters are mostly concerned with the donation of the Sinon-Reyher Collection to Westbrook College and the Maine Women Writers Collection.

Louise Dickinson Rich collection, 1932-2009Includes a yearbook, articles, obituary and short story.

Virginia Rich collection, 1982-1985Includes correspondence, reviews, articles, promotional materials and a photograph.

Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards papers, 1884-1969A sampling of material related to the author: news articles and reviews of her writings, letters and postcards, 1929 ephemera from Camp Merryweather, photographs, a 1932 poem and a copy of an 1934 address by Charlotte R. Moore.

Lizzie Marshall Richardson collection, 1848-1918Letters of Lizzie Marshall Richardson transcriptions from the Dorothy Pratt Clark Collection.

Mary Roberts Rinehart collection, 1936Includes a typescript of “Sanctuary.”

Elizabeth Ring collection, 1972-1997Articles, reviews, teaching guides, and a copy of Maine Bibliography: A Bibliographical Guide, 1973.

Rhea J. Cote Robbins collection, 1996-1998Reviews, articles and workshop publicity.

Lou Rogers collection, 1985-1986Includes letters to Dorothy Healy, an article and a portion of “Studies in American Humor” by Alice S. Klak.

Edith Gough Row collection, 1936-1989Published poetry, correspondence, and “Memoir of my grandmother, Edith Row” by Robin St. John Conover.

Marian Bradford Rowe collection, 1949Includes booklet of “Our American Heritage” signed by Rowe.

Frances Rounds Rowell collection, undatedBooklet of “State of Maine” poem by Rowell.

Joan Benoit Samuelson collection, 1984-1987Newspaper clippings and articles related to the long-distance runner.

Dorothy W. Sanborn papers, 1946-2001Contains many copies of newspaper articles, as well as book drafts, article notes and short stories. Also, correspondence with editors/publishers and family members, as well as multiple obituaries and a folder of unidentified photographs.

Julie Poitras Santos papers, 2014-2018Contains a postcard from a series of ritual walks, as well as the program for Making Migration Visible, which Santos co-curated.

Ruth Sexton Sargent collection, 1937-1995Includes correspondence with MWWC, publicity materials, and articles.

May Sarton papers, 1860-1994The Sarton papers consists of diverse material types: an extensive photograph collection compiled by Sarton, correspondence, poetry drafts and typescripts, special printings, sound recordings, literary criticisms, published material, and personal memorabilia.

Maggie Lewis collection of May Sarton memorabilia, 1983–1995The collection is mainly letters from May Sarton to Maggie Lewis. It also includes several poems and poem broadsides Sarton sent to Lewis, as well as polaroids of Sarton and her house, and the program from Sarton’s funeral service.

Margaret Vaughan collection of May Sarton papers, 1982-2002Correspondence, clippings, media and memorabilia related to, as well as work published by, the poet, novelist and memoirist May Sarton.

C. Elizabeth (Lib) Sawyer collection, 1986Includes “Still Waters” poetry booklet.

Edith A. Sawyer collection, 1852-1956Includes foreword by Harriett Prescott Spofford, envelope, photographs, engraving and article.

Alex Sax collection, 2008Postcards and a booklet documenting Sax’s art installation entitled “The Cobweb Club,” exhibited at the Portland Museum of Art as part of “New Natural History: An Exhibition of Work by Maine Contemporary Artists.” Sax’s installation drew from the “The Annals of the Cobweb Club,” a record kept by Margaret Jane Mussey Sweat who founded the group of women for the purpose of shared intellectual discourse and inquiry.

Dorothy Schwartz papers, 1979–2014Includes a variety of Schwartz’s research on Charles Darwin, from exhibition flyers to magazine articles. It includes photographs Schwartz took at Darwin’s house, and various iterations of the work she created from these photos. There is a small woodcut block, as well as six of Schwartz’s artist notebooks from 1979-2013, some of which contain personal journal writing.

Flora McGlauflin Searles collection, 1967Correspondence from Barbara Schmidt (a grand-niece) to the Maine Women Writers Collection and a photograph.

Abbie Sewall collection, 1988-1989Includes correspondence with MWWC, a lecture and articles.

Toby Shafter collection, 1938-1967Includes a 1938 travel diary, photograph, news clippings, notes, correspondence and manuscripts.

Abbie Bartlett Shapleigh correspondence, 1860-1902Consists entirely of correspondence, both original letters and typed transcriptions. The more than 200 letters cover the years between 1860 and 1892.

Lee Sharkey papers, 1945-2021, undatedThis collection includes manuscript material for published works, small press material, correspondence, personal journals, ephemera, memorabilia, and awards.

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat collection, 1967-1985Correspondence with Dorothy Healy, promotional materials, Westbrook College Alumni News, clippings and Tower Award speech.

Brenda Shaw collection, 1996-1997Includes reviews, a publicity letter and brochure.

Margaret Shea collection, 1978Correspondence with Dorothy Healy and a biographical note.

Betsy Sholl collection, 1988-1993The collection contains reviews and articles, mostly photocopies.

Dorothy Wright Simes papers, 1906-1970The papers of Dorothy Wright Simes are contained in 30 diaries and five folders of family information. The diaries start in 1937 and finish in 1970. Some of the diaries are very complete with notations on fifty, sixty or even seventy percent of the days; but a few are minimal.

Rae N. Simmonds collection, 1979-1998Contains promotional materials, scripts, sheet music, a thesis, and poetry.

Dorothy Simpson collection, 1933-1999Includes 12 folders of typescript, design and layout for graphics for Maine Islands as well as correspondence, reviews and interviews.

Sinon-Reyher collection, 1976-1989Includes correspondence (1976-1987), articles, photographs, and a speech. All materials are mostly concerned with the donation of the Sinon-Reyher collection to Westbrook College and the Maine Women Writers Collection in 1978. There is documentation including detailed descriptions and photographs of the artifacts in the collection and information on the first exhibition of the collection in 1978.

Alicia Kaye Smith collection, 1935-1993Contains correspondance, a historical calendar, and an obituary.

Beulah Fenderson Smith collection, 1964, 1974The collection contains several clippings.

Elizabeth Oakes Smith collection, 1842-2007Contains original copies of Smith’s first stories “The Western Captive,” “The Christian Sisters,” and “Gems and Reptiles,” published in 1842 and poems published in an 1852 edition of Graham’s Magazine. Also in the collection are two photographic reprints of Smith, one as a young woman and also in her later years. Among the material is a piece of correspondence dated 1866, to a Maine attorney, recommending Smith as a lecturer, either for compensation or for no cost as “she could not fail of satisfying everybody with you.”

Smith family papers, 1878-1935Of the 261 files in the Smith Family papers, the majority are the papers of three Smith women.

Helen Rogers Smith collection, 1977-1978Correspondence, holograph and typed poetry.

Nora Archibald Smith papers, 1878-2009Correspondance, manuscripts and clippings which document Smith’s life as an author and school administrator.

Jacqueline M. Barstow Sorenson collection, 1974Consists of a photocopy of a manuscript – Stuff n’ Things Poetry n’ Prose.

Clara L. Soule collection, undatedThis collection includes a pageant program.

Yvonne Souliere collection, 1992A paper written by Souliere about educations for girls in Portland in the early 1800s.

Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford collection, 1891-2004Consists of the author’s pieces published in late 19th and early 20th century magazines, biographical material, a pencil sketch of Spofford, and research about Spofford by scholars.

Laura F. Sprague collection, 1981-1987Reviews, an inscribed copy of The Glass Club Bulletin and a photo.

Jean Stafford collection, 1996, undatedContains a photograph of Stafford and a photocopy of a newspaper clipping.

Marjorie Standish collection, undatedThis collection contains a letter.

Patience Stapleton collection, 1932-1952Reproductions of several articles about Patience Stapleton as well as clippings containing several of her published stories.

Ann S. Stephens collection, 1835-1980The majority of the collection material consists of Stephens’ published works in periodicals of her time, including an 1859 open letter to Victor Hugo. Also included are one manuscript poem, a bibliography of her published pieces in The Ladies Companion, 1838-1839, and a piece combining biographical information and literary criticism of Ann Stephens written in 1880.

Shay Stewart-Bouley collection, 2007-2011Contains printouts of Stewart-Bouley’s blog posts and clippings from her column in the Portland Phoenix and the Boston Phoenix.

Marion Kingston Stocking collection, 1995, 1999, undatedIncludes a letter, clippings and a poem dedicated to Stocking.

Harriet Beecher Stowe collection, 1880-1999The collection of approximately a dozen files includes ephemera and one piece of correspondence related to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, one tract by Stowe, 20th century published scholarship about her literary and personal life, two undated stereoscopic views possibly at her Florida residence and an undated photograph of the author.

Florence Sturges collection, 1977-1986Contains several booklets written by Sturges, as well as correspondence and clippings.

Bhima MacDonald Sturtevant papers, 1814-2000Essays, poetry, manuscripts, maps, photographs, clippings, research and correspondence. Her research topics include islands, health, dancing, food, humor, music, transportation, the city of Portland and Abigail May.

Suffrage collection, 1884-1987Contains ephemera related to suffrage, including correspondence, articles, a pennant, photographs, leaflets and more.

Margaret J. M. Sweat papers, 1835-2005, undatedContains manuscript material created by the author, including personal and travel diaries from numerous international trips, essays and unpublished writings, prose and verse papers, correspondence, and translations of classical works. There are also personal and themed scrapbooks, commonplace books, a recipe book, a drawing and a watercolor done by the author, photographs and a photographic album of the author and of the author’s home.

Linda Tatelbaum papers, 1972-2003Consists of manuscript material related to her books, poetry, essays, journals related to her teaching and proprioceptive writing.

Estelle M. Tatterson collection, 1901Includes a playbill for Tatterson’s play “The Judgement of Paris.”

Celia Thaxter collection, 1874-1996Correspondence, published material, reviews, clippings and photographs.

Phyllis Schuyler Thaxter collection, 1890-1998Several manuscripts written by the author, a few pieces of correspondence, and some playbills and professional photos of Thaxter from her stage career, which spanned the 1920s-1940s. There is also a large collection of playbills from the 1930s-1960s, many related to her theater column “Through the Stage Door With Phyllis Schuyler Thaxter.”

Rosamond Thaxter collection, 1962-1989Articles, photographs, promotional materials, a brochure, and an obituary.

Thomas family letters, 1868-1889Over 200 letters sent to U.S. Army pay master Major Henry Goddard Thomas by his mother Elizabeth Goddard Thomas, sister Eliza, wife Nell, daughters Mary (Molly) and Louise, and son Harry. The collection also has one letter from father William Widgery Thomas. Notes, believed to be made by Henry, on the top of the letters indicate who sent them, the date received and the fort at which he was stationed.

Miriam Stover Thomas collection, 1906-1989Typescripts (mostly copies) of unpublished stories and essays.

Doris Thurston collection, 1979Contains reviews and correspondence.

Margaret Todd collection, 1959Consists of a typescript and an article.

Laura Moorby Tooke collection, 1931Contains a letter written by Tooke to the editors of the Portland Press Herald, about reviewing her latest book Betty of New England.

Rosemary Clifford Trott collection, 1975-1992Poems, correspondance and an obituary.

Kate Tryon collection, 1928-1974Includes newspaper articles, catalogs from a 1972 exhibit of Tryon’s work, and a number of paintings by Tryon. Maine Women Writers Collection also holds a copy of the 2-volume Adventures in the Vale of the White Horse and 14 books by Richard Jefferies from Tryon’s personal library.

Sylvia Tryon collection, 1912-1979Contains a biographical sketch of her mother, Kate Tryon; correspondence focusing on her mother and the Tryon gift to the college; a manuscript of her play, Christmas at Castlewood; published poetry; descriptions of her mother’s paintings and Jefferies quotations to accompany them.

Frances Wright Turner collection, [1957]An article about Turner and a bio sheet.

Eva A. Twist and Bertha M. Connor diaries, 1895-1948Contains 24 diaries; 22 diaries written by Eva Twist, two diaries written by Bertha Connor, and various newspaper clippings and receipts.

Katherine Van der Veer collection, undatedThis collection includes poetry.

Kate Vannah collection, 1891-1933Includes the 1891 sheet music for Celia Thaxter’s “Good Bye, Sweet Day,” articles and a poem.

Helen Sherwood Vining collection, 1910-1911Includes both typescript poems and [published?] poems as well as a letter.

Dorothy Kemball Walker collection, 1986-1987Contains correspondence relating to Walker’s book.

Mary Anne Wallace collection, 1993-1995Includes four typescripts of essays on the subject of maritime history, written between 1993 and 1995.

Alta G. Wallingford collection, 1860, 1865Consists of clippings from the Herald of Freedom anti-slavery newspaper and a tax receipt.

Jane Weinberger collection, 1985-2004Contains Weinberger’s resume, a catalog of books published by Windswept House Publishers, notes, newspaper articles, and a resolution from the Jackson Laboratory.

Anne Weir papers, 1982-2003Includes copies of Weir’s writings from 1982-2000 and her 2002 literary trust, as well as “Copies of Original Writings.”

Edith Chase Weren collection, 1968-1973Includes an obituary, a transcription of the funeral service held at the First Congregational Church in Blue Hill, Maine, and a tribute to Weren in the Westbrook College publication The Mirror.

Madeline Wesson collection, 1933A birthday greeting, 1933.

Nellie Wade Whitcomb collection, 1884-1902Consists of ten folders, seven of which include notebooks, and one scrapbook of clippings of her published material.

Patricia (Pat) White collection, 1982This collection includes correspondence with MWWC.

Sarah Wyman Whitman collection, 1994-2008Articles and ephemera related to Wyman Whitman and her artistic work.

C. Ellen Whittemore collection, 1858Includes v.1, no.1 (Dec. 14, 1858) of The Floral Wreath, a hand-written newspaper edited by Whittemore.

Isabel Whittier collection, 1956-1957A small collection of booklets.

Kate Douglas Wiggin collection, 1883-1938Includes photographs, flyers and playbills for her works, reviews, along with other forms of ephemera, published work and original correspondence, as well as a series devoted to the California Kindergarten Training School and the Froebel Society.

Elizabeth Willard collection, 1925-1929Includes correspondence from Elizabeth Willard to her family while at camp and while attending Wheaton College. There is also a selection of letters written to Elizabeth from family and friends. Also included is a photograph of the girls at Camp Bendito, and composition books kept by Elizabeth and her sister Frances.

Lucy C. Williams diaries, 1980-1998The diaries cover the years from 1980-1998 with the exception of 1981-1983, 1985 and 1997. They are written in daily planner-style journals with small squares allotted for each day.

Helen Wilmans collection, 1897-1898Letters from Helen Wilmans to Sarah Eaton, and biographical information.

Dorothy Clarke Wilson papers, 1926-1989Contains articles about, and interviews with, Wilson; typescripts of some of the author’s writings; and decorative objects and textiles from Wilson’s travels in India.

Hazel Wilson collection, 1950-1992Contains photographs, interviews and reviews, and her son’s memorial tribute.

Ola Elizabeth Winslow collection, 1962-1977Includes correspondence to Grace Dow and Dorothy Healy, photographs, and manuscript for John Eliot.

Virginia I. Withee collection, 1998Typescript of memoirs with Withee’s grandfather, Dr. Alden Chase Whitman

R. D. Witt collection, undatedManuscripts of stories authored by Witt.

Anne R. Witten collection, 1972-1992Includes articles, correspondence, and performance publicity.

Woman’s Woodfords Club records, 1915-2015Records of the Woman’s Woodfords Club includes annual reports, notes, calendars, guest books, bylaws, membership lists, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs and slides.

Esther E. Wood collection, 1956-2002Correspondence, reviews, articles, and copies of the columns she wrote for various publications.

Monica Wood papersIn addition to five folders of material in the alphabetical collection, there are 5 boxes of unprocessed papers relating to the drafting and publication of several of Wood’s books, as well as numerous diaries from the 1970s. The journals are restricted until after Wood’s death.

Sally Sayward Barrell Keating Wood collection, 1800-1998Material about the author’s life and her literary career taken from 20th century newspapers and from journal articles, a daguerreotype, 19th century ephemera and a manuscript.

Ramona Woodbury collection, 1972-1985Interview article and Woodbury’s Obituary.

Abba Goold Woolson collection, 1880-1881A small collection of two letters and a photograph.

Gary W. Woolson collection, circa 1948-2010Correspondence between Gary W. Woolson, a Bangor, Maine, used book seller, and various Maine women authors and others, including Marie Donahue, Rose Ricker, Pat Lewis and MWWC curator Dorothy Healy.

Mary Ginn Worthley collection, circa 1940-1990Includes correspondence, articles, essays, a commonplace book and photographs.

Helen Yglesias collection, 1981-1998Includes articles, reviews, interviews, and an obituary.

Marguerite Yourcenar collection, 1984-1995Include articles, a program invitation to a play adapted from her work (in French), and a brochure about “Petite Plaisance”, her home in Bar Harbor.

Julie Zimmerman collection, 1992-1995Contains articles and publicity.