University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

How to get e-books

We have over one million e-book titles available. Find e-book titles with this search and find more information about accessing e-books below


cloudLibrary is a database of popular reading e-book and audio book titles made available through the Maine State Library. Use your UNE Personal Reference Number (PRN) to log in. You can find this number in OKTA by clicking on the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner and choosing Settings. You’ll find your PRN in the Personal Information section. 

Ebook Central

Ebook Central is a large database of ebook titles from ProQuest with millions of titles available.

EbscoHost eBook Collection

another large database of academic ebook titles.

We can help

If you aren’t finding the title you are looking for, please reach out – we can look into access options for you.

and as always, Please let us know how we can help!