University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Spark of Life: Abstraction, Microscopy, and Discovery

November 13, 2024-February 16, 2025

Opening reception Wednesday, November 13, 5-7 p.m.

The UNE Art Galleries and UNE’s Histology and Imaging Core present Spark of Life: Abstraction, Microscopy, and Discovery. The work on view centers around the photography of the University’s imaging lab, in conversation with contemporary artwork. Emphasizing the materiality of abstraction, the artwork in this exhibit works together to build a complex sense of harmony revolving around a small framework of formal strategies. Each artist, and the scientists behind the imaging examples, are working with a unique voice to communicate a singular idea; each in turn offers us a look at dynamic growth that refers back to the physical world.

More information about the exhibit.

Artists include: Jackie Brown, Meg Brown Payson, Carter Shappy, and the scientists of the UNE Histology and Imaging Core. Special thanks to Peter Caradonna.