University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Your Vote 2024

Everything you need to know about voting in November’s national and local elections!

Important Dates:

National Voter Registration Day

Register to Vote at UNE on September 17 – We’ll have all the paperwork you need.

Research Your Vote: My Voice My Vote

Join us Monday, October 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the CXL Lounge in the Ripich Commons.

General Election Day

On November 5 Maine voters will elect the President, one of Maine’s two United States Senators, Maine’s two Representatives to Congress, all members of the Maine Legislature (State Senators and State Representatives), and certain county officers.  

Read more about these issues on Ballotpedia.

Voting is a great privilege, but it also comes with some responsibilities. Make sure you are registered, know how to get your ballot, and research the candidates and issues you will vote on. You might even consider becoming a poll worker.

Register to Vote

As a college student living away from home, you can choose to register using either your college address, or your parent or caregiver’s address.

If you register using your hometown address and want to vote while away at college, remember to request an absentee ballot at least 30 days before the election. Check with your state election board.

How to register in Maine:

Fill out a Maine Voter Registration Application:

Students living in a residence hall should use the name of the specific residence hall as their address.

Your Name
University of New England
Hall name and room #
11 Beach Hills Rd.
Biddeford, ME 04005

Mail or deliver your completed and signed application directly to the Municipal Clerk or Registrar of Voters in the town where you live to avoid delays in processing.

Registering in Maine as an out-of-state Student

Registering to vote in Maine does not affect your:


Where you register to vote will not affect federal financial aid such as Pell Grants, Perkins or Stafford loans, or your dependency status for FAFSA.


Being registered to vote at a different address from your parents does not prevent them from claiming you as a dependent on their taxes.


Being deemed out-of-state for tuition purposes does not prevent you from choosing to register to vote in your campus community.


Maybe. Registering to vote in Maine may have consequences for your driver’s license or car registration. If you drive a car in Maine, you are required to obtain a Maine driver’s license within thirty days of establishing residency in the state. If you are a resident of Maine and own a vehicle in the state, state law also requires you to register that vehicle in Maine.

More information available at the Campus Vote Project.


In Maine you can register any time leading up to an election, including election day.


If you have already registered to vote, you only need to re-register if you move, change your name, wish to change political party affiliations, or if your signature has changed.

Cast Your Ballot



Any registered voter may cast an absentee ballot instead of voting in person at a voting place on Election Day.


Ballots must be returned to the municipal clerk no later than 8:00 pm on Election Day. You can request an absentee ballot:


The rules change from state to state. Make sure you know yours if not registering to vote in Maine! To learn more about absentee ballots in other states visit

Vote in person


  • If you’ve voted in Maine before, you don’t need to provide ID to vote.
  • If you’re a first-time voter who registered by mail, you may need to show one of these documents to vote if you didn’t provide one when you registered: Maine driver’s license, Maine state ID card, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address .
  • Voters without ID: If you don’t have ID or proof of residence, you can cast a challenged ballot. You may be asked to provide ID after the election for your ballot to count.

Research the Candidates and Issues

Right Here!
Search the Library website for access to thousands of full-text newspapers, books, articles, documentaries and more!
Ballotpedia is the online encyclopedia of American politics and elections; providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government.
League of Women Voters Maine
A nonpartisan political membership organization, presenting “fair and unbiased” voter education material. Stay tuned for their helpful voter guide!
MediaBias/Fact Check
Comprehensive media bias resource; currently 3200+ media sources listed in the database and growing every day.
Open Secrets
Run by the Center for Responsible Politics; non-profit, non-partisan. Also lists where candidates get their money. Dark money is explained in detail.
Non-profit run by the Poynter Institute
Project Vote Smart
Find sample ballots, candidate voting records, interest group ratings, speeches, campaign contributions, and current and past ballot measures by date & issue
Rock the Vote
Voter information and engagement resources targeted to the under-30 set, but excellent voter/voting info source for all.
State of Maine Election Information
See the names of all candidates running for open seats.
Sunlight Foundation
National, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses civic technologies, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all.
Reverse image search which tells you whether or not an image was altered.


There is so much information it is easy to be overwhelmed!

Ask A Librarian

UNE Librarians are happy to assist you in locating and evaluating the resources you need!

Evaluate Resources 

More than ever during an election year, there will be a lot of information being shared. It is important to evaluate information you are consuming and sharing. Look through the Evaluating Sources section of this website for advice on how to spot fake news and more!

Work the polls

Every town and city in Maine needs citizens like you to help administer the election. To be a poll worker you must be registered to vote and serving in the community in which you are registered. Visit the Maine Election Worker Recruitment webpage for more information about the qualifications, duties and benefits of helping your town at the polls on Election Day.