University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

March 1, 2023

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Ketchum Library Art Gallery

Join us for a weekly exploration of mindful-awareness practices that will help you to build a friendly relationship with your mind and allow you space to relax and reflect. We will meet for 30 minutes on Wednesdays to cultivate curiosity and happiness, with guided activities such as reflective writing, walking meditation, and focus on the […]

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

February 22, 2023

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Ketchum Library Art Gallery

Join us for a weekly exploration of mindful-awareness practices that will help you to build a friendly relationship with your mind and allow you space to relax and reflect. We will meet for 30 minutes on Wednesdays to cultivate curiosity and happiness, with guided activities such as reflective writing, walking meditation, and focus on the […]

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

February 15, 2023

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Ketchum Library Art Gallery

Join us for a weekly exploration of mindful-awareness practices that will help you to build a friendly relationship with your mind and allow you space to relax and reflect. We will meet for 30 minutes on Wednesdays to cultivate curiosity and happiness, with guided activities such as reflective writing, walking meditation, and focus on the […]

Be Here Now: Practices for Mindfulness

Join us every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Ketchum Library Art Gallery for an exploration of mindful-awareness practices that will help you to build a friendly relationship with your mind and allow you space to relax and reflect. We will meet for 30 minutes on Wednesdays to cultivate curiosity and happiness, […]

Tenacious Exhibit at the Portland Gallery

Tenacious Opening Reception

February 10, 2023

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Portland Campus Art Gallery

Featuring work by James Graham, Karen Jelenfy, James Bradley Marshall, and Ian Trask, “Tenacious” focuses on non-objective abstraction as a generative visual language.  The artwork is contextualized through process, with themes of aging, chronic illness, mental health, and the artist’s response to these challenges through the activity of artmaking.    “The work in Tenacious responds to our ever-changing world, […]

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Inspiring Change

We invite you to contemplate how you might make change in your communities in rememberance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s legacy continues to inspire and motivate change makers because he calls on us to find a cause to which we are willing to dedicate our lives. He dedicated his life to racial […]

Of and About the Road

Of and About the Road Opening

January 20, 2023

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Ketchum Library Art Gallery

Join us for our the opening reception of Of and About the Road: The Automobile in History, Society and the Environment at the UNE Gallery in the Jack S. Ketchum Library. This exhibit has been co-curated with multi-media assemblage artist Dan Dowd to explore the automobile as a source of creative energy for artists, as […]