Archival Portraits
October 18, 2023
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Abplanalp Library, Portland

October is Archives Month! To celebrate and raise awareness about UNE’s Special Collections and archives, come join us for this year’s Archival Portraits event!
Just like last year, UNE Special Collections wants to take your picture! But we want to capture the contents of your bag or pockets. Just like every face is different, every pocket tells a story. We want to hear yours!
We will take a photo of objects you carry, a photo of you, and record some story attached to the objects you have with you. With your permission, these will be added to the UNE Archives and exhibited on campus. Come participate in the creation of art and history!
Now with two dates to choose from – on the Portland Campus in Abplanalp Library on October 18, 11:30-1:30 and again on the Biddeford Campus in Ketchum Library on October 31, 11:30-1:30.
Want to see the results from last year’s event? Head over to the lower level of Ketchum Library and check out the exhibit in person, or click over to the Special Collections exhibit page and check it out virtually.
We hope to see you there!
PS – There will be snacks!