University of New England - Innovation for a Healthier Planet

How to get e-books

We have over one million e-book titles available. Find e-book titles with this search and find more information about accessing e-books below cloudLibrary cloudLibrary is a database of popular reading e-book and audio book titles made available through the Maine State Library. Use your UNE Personal Reference Number (PRN) to log in. You can find […]

UNE Together Apart

UNE Special Collections has launched the UNE Together Apart project to collect the personal stories and experiences of students, faculty and staff in this unprecedented time. While the official response of the University will be documented and preserved through the records the administration creates, the individual stories of the UNE community will be lost without […]

How Can We Help?

As classes have transitioned online, many of you face new challenges in completing your academic work. While our buildings our are closed, we have expanded our librarian chat service and made course materials available electronically whenever possible. Read more about our response to COVID-19. We’d like to know how else we can help you as […]

Library Services during COVID-19

Both UNE Library buildings are currently closed to the outbreak of COVID-19. While we plan to resume our on campus operations in August, 2020, we continue to support you with the following changes to our services. Read our Return to Campus plan (PDF). Library Resources The vast majority of our resources are available in electronic […]

Interlibrary Loan Updated

We have just updated our Interlibrary Loan system to a new look that works better on any device. We hope this new system makes it easier for you to request articles, books, chapters and multimedia to which UNE Library Services does not provide access. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Brenda […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There is a lot of information out there about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak; some of it reliable, some of it not. UNE’s expert health librarians recommend these authoritative sites for accurate, up to date, pertinent information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website for global information Visit the Centers […]

Information Literacy Digital Badge

UNE Libraries services is excited to offer a digital badge in Information Literacy Level 1 skills to UNE students. Where do I enroll? Visit UNE’s Digital Badge page for more information or email UNE Librarians: Sonya Durney ; Cadence Atchinson; or Shannon Yarbrough to get started! Why would I want to earn a badge? Sharing […]

February is Black History Month

In addition to thousands of African American history books, UNE Library Services has access to a robust collection of streaming movies and documentaries. Below are some suggestions. There is lots more to explore, you can search the full collection of videos at    I Am Not Your Negro An Oscar-nominated documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO […]

MWWC Article Publication

Maine Women Writers’ Collection director Jennifer Tuttle and Curator Cathleen Miller have published an article in the Journal of Medical Humanities. Growing out of a presentation at the Artists’ Books and the Medical Humanities symposium at the University of Kent in 2016, Jennifer S. Tuttle and Cathleen Miller explore the use of Martha A. Hall’s […]

Biddeford Library Renovations

Thank you for your patience as the Biddeford Campus Library completed renovations! We now have new carpet, new paint colors and new efficient LED lighting on the library main floor. We are still working to put back library collections, so if you are looking for something please let us know!